The moon of Ramadan was not sighted in India and Bangladesh

New Delhi: The Jamiat Ulema Hind in India has announced that the moon of Ramadan has not been seen anywhere in India, so the first fast will be on Friday, March 24.

According to Indian media, Jamiat Ulema Hind has announced that the moon of Ramadan will not be seen and the first fast will be on Friday, March 24. has been asked to keep

Similarly, the moon of Ramadan was not seen in Bangladesh. The National Moon Sighting Committee of Bangladesh announced that the moon of Ramadan was not sighted in Bangladesh. Therefore, the first fast will be on March 24, 2023.

On the other hand, a meeting was held on March 21 to see the moon of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf countries, in which it was announced that the moon would not be seen. So tomorrow, March 23, the first fast will be observed in these countries.

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The moon of Ramadan was not sighted in India and Bangladesh

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