Barley Harvest - Express Urdu

Faisalabad: “It’s amazing, doctor, how I got better just by eating barley porridge! I didn’t take medicine, I didn’t get vaccinated, I didn’t have to go to any operation or laser technology…! I don’t understand that eating only barley diet not only got rid of the stones in my bile duct… but now I’m also bloated…, and then how is it possible that only barley I got sick from gallstones from eating food…!”

Readers.. These were the words that a woman who came to Ayub Agricultural Research Institute in Faisalabad with her husband sitting in front of me at my office, on which I was like Bibi! You should be thankful that your health has been restored by eating the favorite food of the Holy Prophet, but on the contrary, you are expressing doubt to me about whether I have recovered or not! They said, “Doctor, I don’t have time now.”

Because I am going to America the day after tomorrow, but what if gallstones bother me when I go to America? To which I replied that it’s ok, must go to America, but keep using barley diet, and when you come back from America to Faisalabad, you must come and take the ultrasound report from there.

After about 4-6 months, that lady returned from America, she showed me the ultrasound report, which showed that you never had a stone in your gall bladder, but that lady is still in the same doubt that What is there in the diet that caused me to faint?

Readers! The importance of what is present in the diet of barley is doubled only by the fact that apart from the periodic arrival of Gabriel in the cave of Hara with the Holy Prophet during the revelation of the first revelation, if there was any third thing, it was in the form of barley. There was food.

Now the question is that there was no rice, no wheat bread, and no other food and drink in the cave of Hara, but why there was barley food there, we just need to explain the importance of barley food to Muslims. enough for

Once Hazrat Ali (RA) was cured and he was eating dates with the Prophet (PBUH). When he ate two or four dates too much, the Prophet (PBUH) stopped him from eating more dates and said, “You have just recovered.” So don’t eat too many dates. After some pause, he gave Hazrat Ali a beetroot and barley porridge and said, “Eat from them, it is more beneficial for you.”

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA) is also known as the first heart patient in Islamic history. Once he said to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that (the meaning of the hadith is service) O Messenger of Allah, I feel a burden on my heart.

I also have difficulty breathing, and am very anxious. He told them to eat barley porridge. The next day after eating barley porridge, he recovered completely (here I believe that if the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had eaten clay instead of barley porridge, he would have been cured, but the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ate barley. Why is it recommended to eat porridge only, it is a matter of thought.)

Even before the rise of Islam, if the diet of barley is examined, it is known that the diet of barley has actually been eaten by the pious and pious people for 8 thousand years, because there is something of this kind in its diet by nature. Rahat has hidden that when that food enters the stomach, the internal densities, impurities and impurities attached to the arteries and veins inside the body are immediately removed, and the devotee gets spiritual peace and happiness.

Which not only makes one feel lighter but also strengthens one’s ability to think. Thus, this diet plays an important role in thinking of students, guardians, scholars, scientists and teachers and in giving birth to new concepts.

I had the opportunity to participate in a symposium at the University of Turkey located in the city of Takurda, Turkey, where international scholars and scientists also discussed the barley crop.

In the Arab countries of the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, Sharjah, Dammam, etc., barley products such as noodles, kovikar, roti, sato, porridge, abjoo, and shabdeg are also consumed in soups. They are taking full advantage of barley diet, but in Pakistan, people who are ignorant of barley diet often hear that they do not even eat it.

Those who are ignorant of the usefulness of barley food can make such a comment or such a position about the diet of barley, but those who know about barley, make it an integral part of their diet. Make it.

May God bless General Hameed Gul for 20 years. After he got the knowledge about the barley crop, he always preferred the cultivation of barley crop along with wheat on his own agricultural lands in Sargodha. Your research on the barley crop has not only greatly benefited my consciousness, but the diet has also fueled my thinking. The fertility of the land has also increased significantly.

Former Director General (Research) of Ayub Agricultural Research Institute Faisalabad and present Chief Executive Officer of Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB), Lahore Dr. Abid Mehmood said that I am also eating barley flour bread and drinking sato too. .

My blood sugar used to be 150/160 from eating barley bread, now it’s down to 100. That is 90/95. My body system is working very well now by eating barley diet than before, i.e. eating satwa, porridge and bread, so I think that eating barley diet is helping me a lot.

For the past 30 years, barley fields across Pakistan have been covering me. One day he went to the fields early in the morning to inspect the barley crop at his research institute, Adara Ghamt, Faisalabad.

I saw that a person standing in the middle of the barley crop repeatedly bent towards the crop and got up. When he got closer, he came to know that the person was collecting the dew on the leaves of the barley crop with his hands and putting it in a bottle. . It was February and there was a lot of fog.

When the bottle was filled with dew water, I called him and scolded him a bit saying why are you spoiling the experimental crop in this government field of barley crop, while on the other side you are going to the wheat fields. On which he hesitated and said, Sir! Err, actually I was sent here by my grandfather Abu to collect the dew on the barley crop and bring it in a bottle.

I was surprised or maybe nature wanted to enlighten me with a new dimension of barley crop. The man was 40 years old, his father 70 years old and his grandfather must have been over 100 years old. In other words, 100 years of knowledge had reached me which could hardly be found in any book. The man said that one of my grandfather’s friends had cataracts in his eyes and my grandfather had told me that today is the month of February and the barley crop will also be in the fields.

So you go to the nearby fields and collect the dew that falls on the barley crop in a bottle. They say that if the leaves of Shiran are added to the water of the dew that comes on the barley crop and the water formed from it is strained and poured into the eyes, it would prove to be an elixir for all eye diseases including black and white cataracts. Is.

I was surprised that the early morning dew had only come so close to the barley crop, that is, the dew had just touched the barley crop that it made the dew water so effective that He became the antidote for black and white cataracts, so what would be the meaning of food derived from this crop?

It is believed that there is a general impression in Pakistan that the barley crop is not eaten by dung beetles. Production is also low, but readers! This impression is not entirely correct.

Each farmer has his own preference on what to plant and what not to plant in his field. If one wants to earn wealth, he should leave the cultivation of wheat and barley and plant vegetables, he will become rich in a short time, and if the farmer is devoid of labor and prefers to sit on his hands throughout the year. If he cultivates sugarcane, he can become rich overnight by taking 2,000 manna per acre. Rather, if I feed my family and friends too, it will bring countless benefits.

That is, in the matter of eating first, he will be connected with the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the Sunnah will have countless benefits, he will be the leader in spreading it, health will be maintained, and diseases will be relieved, while the strong This food is no less than a boon for the elderly suffering from diabetes, as it is rich in copper and selenium, which is very beneficial for knee pain, cancer and corona patients.

It contains a protein component (high lysine) that plays an important role in increasing the height of children, and according to a recent study from developed countries, wheat is beneficial for people with diabetes, hypertension, blood pressure and cholesterol. If they stop eating bread made of flour, half of the disease will disappear, then what should they eat instead of bread made of wheat flour? Here he has recommended to eat bread made from 2 types of bread, one of which is corn flour and the other is barley flour, and if someone asks me, as I am related to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), on my tongue, it is made from barley flour. The name of the bread will come.

It is also important to mention here that nowadays wheat flour has become more than 160 rupees per kg while barley flour is still only 80 rupees per kg. It causes fatigue and due to the high amount of carbohydrates present in it, the body becomes fat.

The amount of gluten in wheat flour is 9.30%, which is causing gluten allergy in the society, and the amount of starch is 53% and beta-glucan is 99%, and the amount of energy is 324 kcal per 100 grams of flour, while barley There is no gluten in bread. Therefore, a person who eats barley bread does not have a gluten allergy, the amount of starch is 10% more than wheat, i.e. 63%, and the amount of beta-glucan, which is actually a packet of energy, is much more than wheat, i.e. 1.5%. The energy found in it is also more than wheat flour.

Barley is 353 kilocalories per 100 grams of flour, which is the reason that eating barley bread does not cause constipation but gives flexibility to the body. It is also healing from diseases and the most important thing is that due to the abundant amount of fiber, eating barley food can cure diseases like constipation.

It melts the body fat and reduces obesity. I think it is important to mention here that the people of Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Ghana, Senegal, Sudan, Ethiopia, etc. always look slim and fit. Constipation, which is called the mother of diseases, has been eliminated in these countries. This is because their diet includes fiber that they get from barley.

It is a fact that research on barley crop in Pakistan is slow and it is a neglected crop.

It is not being researched in the way that the utility of this crop requires, nor has it been taken up as a major crop so far. This is the reason why only 8 varieties have been discovered since the establishment of Pakistan, including Jo-83, Jo-87, Haider-93, Sultan-17, Jo-17, Jo-21, Pearl-21. and Talbina-21 included.

Due to the lack of awareness of barley crop in our country, only 56 hectares of the total cultivable area of ​​Pakistan is 6.79 million hectares, out of which 10.22 million hectares are cultivated, which is the total cultivated area of ​​Pakistan. It is significantly less than half a percent ie 0.26%. Research on Barley Crop in Pakistan Although Ayub Agricultural Research Institute Faisalabad is continuing in wheat department on a limited scale, research on the numerous dimensions of Barley Crop is still urgent and is a dire need of Pakistanis.

For example, does the cultivation of barley really increase the fertility of the land! It is produced well even in low inputs, if this is the case, then the area of ​​more or less 40 million hectares which is desert, barren and salted, by cultivating barley crops, Pakistan will not only be green. can be made, but malnutrition can also be remedied and the numerous researches on its nutritional aspects are still thirsty.

The shelf life of this food is worth noting how long it can be useful, all aspects of which have been in the way of an independent barley crop organization with red tape on its way to completion. Removing the obstacles is not possible without the attention of a lover of Rasool (PBUH), so the establishment of Institute Research Barley is indispensable to promote Barley as the food of the poor in Pakistan and especially in Punjab.

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