Reduce mental stress, mind will sharpen itself

By controlling mental stress, the mind can be kept healthy and energetic. Photo: File

Atlanta: A study has shown that there is a close relationship between mental stress and mental performance and by reducing it, we can keep our brains energetic and healthy.

According to a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Open Network, as our stress increases, memory, concentration, decision-making power and brain function begin to be affected. Earlier, experts have warned after scientific research that stress affects the whole body.

Amber Kalshrestra of Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, has now conducted the study. She says that it is not possible to completely eliminate stress from life but we can somehow reduce it and this is called stress management. He suggests that people take care of themselves and that stress can be reduced through meditation and mindfulness. In this way, not only can the mind remain energized, but its abilities remain unaffected.

According to experts, if mental stress continues, the risk of learning loss increases to 37%. In this context, black and white people were reviewed, including more than 10 thousand people. Blacks and whites were half the number, while 40 percent were women. 23% of women were more stressed than usual.

The first thing that came out was that the rate was higher in women and black women were more prone to it. But men and women who had high levels of stress also had high rates of heart disease. On the other hand, women and men who controlled their mental stress had better mental and mental condition. These individuals improved themselves by supplementing sleep, breathing exercises, meditation and proper diet.

In contrast, people who exposed themselves to stress had memory, attention and other abilities that worsened rather than improved. Experts advise not to let stress overwhelm you in any way and try to reduce it.

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Reduce mental stress, mind will sharpen itself

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