US, UK and Australia withdraw from submarine treaty;  China

America, Great Britain and Australia have signed a submarine agreement, Photo: File

Beijing: China strongly criticized the US, UK and Australia’s submarine agreement, calling this security deal a sign of the Cold War mentality.

According to the World News Agency, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Wang Wenbin accused the three Western allies of inciting an arms race and warned them not to follow a path fraught with the risk of nuclear proliferation.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the agreement between the US, UK and Australia shows that the three countries are completely ignoring the concerns of the international community for the sake of their own geopolitical interests.

Wang Wenbin has said that the agreement by Western countries is a violation of the objectives of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which will start a nuclear arms race in the region.

It should be noted that Australia announced the purchase of 5 nuclear-powered submarines from the United States and the creation of a new model with American and British technology to strengthen Western countries in the Asia-Pacific against China.

US President Joe Biden insists that Australia will not get nuclear weapons under the deal. But experts say the acquisition of submarines powered by nuclear reactors will put Australia in an elite club.

Earlier, President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony and British Prime Minister Rishi Singh signed the agreement in a ceremony at the naval base in San Diego, California.

On this occasion, the US President said that he has been protecting stability in the Indo-Pacific for decades. A submarine alliance between the US, UK and Australia will strengthen the prospects for peace for decades to come.

The submarines Australia will receive from the US are expected to be equipped with long-range cruise missiles that offer a powerful deterrent.

It should be remembered that Australia joined this submarine alliance 18 months ago, before which only the United States and Great Britain were part of this alliance.

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US, UK and Australia withdraw from submarine treaty; China

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