This sinking ship is not actually sinking

The ship Philip in the picture appears to be sinking, but it is not sinking but undergoing this process for research. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Washington: A ship has been in American waters for 51 years, and it changes shape in such a way that it is often mistaken for a sinking ship.

It is named as RP-Flip which can be flipped horizontally and vertically without sinking. When seen in this state, it looks like a sinking ship. This 108-meter-long marine marvel can submerge up to 90 percent when filled with water, and only 17 meters of surf is visible above the water. Its front broad end acts as a deck.

The design of the flip does not allow it to move out of place and it acts as a floating buoy. This is why the Philip ship can also be called a masterpiece of shipbuilding.

This sinking ship is not actually sinking

Construction of the Phillip began in 1960, with Gunderson Brothers Engineering Co. of Portland to the credit. The company had developed it in a period of two years and handed it over to Pani in 1962. Now it can swim freely in open waters. In just 30 minutes, it can go from vertical to horizontal position while going deep into the ocean to become a submarine.

This sinking ship is not actually sinking

A flip is a research platform equipped with the most sensitive instruments but without a power and propulsion system, and is towed from another ship to shore or in the water. About 5 to 11 people can live on this 700 ton wonder. Most of them include scientists.

According to experts, this ship has greatly increased our knowledge about the oceans and the water climate there.

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This sinking ship is not actually sinking

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