A powerful new compound that inhibits TB has been developed

Cornell University experts have developed a new compound against TB which has been tested on mice. Photo: File

New York: Despite the latest advances in medical science, TB still exists as a terrible disease and takes its toll, especially in poor countries. However, now with the newly discovered compound, there is hope for its effective treatment.

In this regard, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has conducted research and studies that ended in February 2023. Experts at Cornell University have developed this compound, named CLB 073. This compound rapidly paralyzes and destroys Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the cause of TB.

Professor David Russell and William Kaplan of the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at Cornell University have done this research. Human trials are expected to begin soon. After several experiments, experts have concluded that CLB 073 blocks the carbon pathway of bacteria. This is how the TB bacterium starts to die.

Experts have also tested this compound on mice, after which it was observed that the effectiveness of the TB drug increased. Among them, Nixtb is a common treatment method in which three drugs are given in combination. It is also expected to help increase the potency or effectiveness of anti-TB drugs.

The 25-member TB Drug Accelerator Association, which includes government agencies, scientists, universities, pharmaceutical companies and other companies, is also active in the development of this compound. All parties meet twice a year and discuss new treatment options for TB.

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A powerful new compound that inhibits TB has been developed

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