Secretaries Law and Information on requests for protection of the rights of journalists

The government should realize these things by itself, it is better to legislate in the Parliament, Islamabad High Court

The Islamabad High Court summoned the Law Secretary and the Information Secretary on February 6.

Chief Justice Aamir Farooq heard the requests of PFUJ and High Court Journalists Association to protect the rights of journalists.

The Chief Justice asked that Chairman ITNE is trying to legislate, has there been any progress?

Umar Ejaz Gilani, advocate of the High Court Journalists Association, told that we have prepared and sent the proposed draft of the amendment bill to the Ministry of Information.

The Chief Justice remarked that the Chairman ITNE has also prepared a draft, a forum of ITNE is working for newspaper employees, after the legislation, electronic media will also be included in its scope. The authority can be extended, by the way, I am sorry to say that I have not understood the newspaper law even today, what is it?

The Chief Justice said that even now the concept of members and benches is being given in ITNE, the problem is of intention, no one should be required to come in a writ petition for this work, the government should realize these things by itself. It should be done, it is better to pass the legislation in the Parliament, Hamid Mir Sahib has also come, he is associated with the media industry, he can tell better.

The lawyer said that there is a case of contempt of court against some journalists for commenting on the pending case.

The Chief Justice asked Hamid Mir that when the court decision comes, it comes into the public domain, the choice of words for the comment should be correct, are you in favor of legislation for the rights of electronic media journalists.

Hamid Mir replied that I am in favor of electronic media legislation.

The Chief Justice said that there is also an issue of delay in payment of salaries to journalists. Journalists have been going around the tribunal for years for the arrears of Rs. 1.52 lakhs. When these things progress, can there be resistance from any side? Does the current government have the will and desire to do this? By the way, this is not a political matter, no government should object, if the current government wants to do it, it should go through with it.

The court issued a notice to the Law Secretary and the Information Secretary and summoned them on February 6 in personal capacity.

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Secretaries Law and Information on requests for protection of the rights of journalists

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