A robotic arm filling a car with petrol

Finland has installed the world’s first automated robot arm that can fill petrol at a petrol pump. Photo: Courtesy of Autofuel Facebook page

Helsinki, Finland: Finland is the first country in the world where robots are now filling cars with petrol pumps without the need to get out of the car.

First of all, this robot has been installed at the Neste station and it has been developed by a start-up company called ‘Autofuel’. This robot selects the required fuel on your instructions and fills the vehicle with the specified fuel without any human assistance.

Although it has been trialled at only one petrol pump, the scope will be widened by this year. According to the company, this is also an important step towards automatic refueling in self-driving vehicles. Established in 2018, this company wants to save consumers and employees from the harmful effects of petrol and automate the process of filling fuel.

A robotic arm filling a car with petrol

Another important thing is that many people face difficulty in getting out of the car and filling fuel due to some physical handicap and this robot can help them tremendously. Then in western countries people like to stay in the car due to severe weather and snow.

According to the company, by stopping the car, you can read your email or phone messages or even drink tea and coffee while the robot arm fills with petrol. It should be noted that in these countries, people who fill petrol have almost disappeared and people fill their own fuel by paying by card.

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A robotic arm filling a car with petrol

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