Fear of Corona, a woman imprisoned in the house with her son for 3 years has been rescued

The woman and the child were sent to the hospital for a mental and psychological examination: Photo: Internet

New Delhi: In India, a woman who was confined to her house with her son for 3 years due to the fear of Corona was rescued.

Indian police officials say that the 33-year-old woman locked herself and her son in the flat because she thought that her son would die of corona if he came out. The woman did not even throw the garbage out of the house for 3 years.

The police conducted a raid on the complaint of the woman’s husband and recovered the woman and the child. The woman did not allow her husband to enter the house after going to the office after the corona restrictions were over. The woman’s husband says that despite being homeless, he is paying the flat rent, electricity and gas bills and also leaves food and other necessities at the door.

According to the police officials, the child who is imprisoned in the house is now 10 years old and has been drawing cartoons and pictures on the walls of the house to end his loneliness. The woman and the child have been admitted to the hospital for mental and psychological examination.

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Fear of Corona, a woman imprisoned in the house with her son for 3 years has been rescued

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