What precautions should be taken for prevention?What precautions should be taken for prevention?

Severe heat wave likely in most parts of the country from today: Meteorological Department

After the warning of extreme heat and heat wave by the health department, now the medical experts have also told measures to protect themselves in case of heat wave and extreme heat.

According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of heat wave in most parts of the country, especially Punjab and Sindh, from today to May 27.

In Sindh and Punjab, the day temperature between today and May 23 is likely to be 4 to 6 degrees Celsius higher than normal, while it is likely to be 6 to 8 degrees Celsius higher than normal during May 23 to 27.

In view of the harsh weather, health experts have said that to protect the body from the heat wave and keep it cool, drink plenty of water, use lemon, salt, light sugar and mint leaves in the water, while different drinks can also be used. Is.

On the other hand, Julie Goodrick, an ecologist at Burton University, says that if you don’t have an air conditioner, improve the environment before going to bed at night, 18 to 21 degrees Celsius is the best temperature for a restful sleep.

They say to keep the bedroom from getting too hot, use fans at night, wet the floor with water, open the windows, and hang curtains over the windows during the day.

Similarly, use light-colored soft sheets for bed, avoid sleeping during the day and keep your body as cool as possible.

Wear loose and light colored clothes with airy clothes like cotton to prevent sweat and keep the body airy.

To keep the body cool, you can use a cooling pad, take a cold bath or put your clothes in the freezer a few hours before going to bed.

Britain’s Health Security Agency says that deaths are high during extreme heat, so drink plenty of water and other liquids to avoid heatstroke.

Reduce consumption of hot items, tea, coffee, etc., avoid caffeinated drinks and try to use water, lassi, and desi drinks instead of cold drinks.

Use only homemade food in the diet, do not eat outside, increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits at home.

Britain’s Health Security Agency advises people to walk in the shade when going outside, and to use a white towel or umbrella during hot weather.

Use sunscreen regularly and wear a hat with a large shade during hot weather.

To protect children from heatstroke, don’t let them get dehydrated, protect them from the sun.

Similarly, it is advised to do less strenuous activities during heat wave.

Avoid sun exposure and physical exertion outside the house between 11 am and 3 pm.

Avoid physical activity during the hottest part of the day, exercise in the early morning or evening during the relatively cooler hours of the day, and drink plenty of water.

Use sunglasses while taking precautions to protect against sunlight.

To avoid the extreme heat, most people drink cold water from the refrigerator as soon as they come from the sun, which increases the chances of getting a sore throat, cold or cough.

Therefore, it is better to use an earthen pot, the water in an earthen pot is cool enough and the minerals in it are healthy.

Medical experts say to take special care of your pets during summer, make them as comfortable as possible.

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What precautions should be taken for prevention?

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