When to take vitamin and mineral tablets?When to take vitamin and mineral tablets?

Millions of people around the world take vitamin and mineral tablets or take them in liquid form every day. These tablets and liquids are called “dietary supplement” in medical terms.

Medical scientists are divided about their efficacy, though. Some say that eating these pills does not have any positive effects on health. Other medical scientists say that these ‘dietary supplements’ should be taken from time to time.

Their argument is that in the past 60-70 years, genetic manipulation, climate change, increased use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers have resulted in reduced nutrition in foods. Therefore, these ‘nutritional supplements’ should be used so that human health is not affected by nutritional deficiencies in the diet.

This nutritional deficiency can lead to many diseases and medical disorders, such as weak bones, lack of sleep, (due to lack of iron) physical weakness, etc.

For this reason, the use of ‘dietary additives’ continues and has not decreased much despite occasional contradictory research. Doctors, however, advise everyone that it is best to get all the vitamins and minerals from food. But if for some reason this is not possible, ‘nutritional supplements’ can be used.

Moreover, only ‘dietary supplements’ manufactured by reputable companies should be taken. Because the business of ‘nutritional supplements’ is expanding and greedy people have also entered this sector whose conscience does not feel burdened by endangering human lives by making fake ‘nutritional supplements’ for the sake of a few ticks.

At this point the important question arises that these ‘nutritional supplements’ can be taken at any time of the day or have a fixed time? Medical scientists say that the time of day and meal times are important for certain vitamins and minerals, because some vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed by the body if taken after meals.

Similarly, certain minerals are more effective especially when taken on an empty stomach. Thus, the time of day and meal times can have positive or negative effects on the ‘nutritional supplements’ taken.

Vitamin C
For example, take water-soluble vitamins, which our body cannot produce or store. It is therefore important to get these vitamins on an almost daily basis through diet or ‘dietary supplements’. These include vitamin C and most forms of vitamin B. Medical experts say that vitamin C should be taken in the morning. The reason is that this vitamin is quite stimulating.

Therefore, taking high doses of this vitamin in the evening or at night can interfere with sleep. Vitamin C is required in our body to maintain healthy blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and collagen. It also protects human cells from diseases and strengthens our immune system. This vitamin is found in malts, peppers, strawberries.

Vitamin B
There are eight types of B vitamins. Each type performs a specific function in the human body. Their main activity is to increase physical energy and reduce mental and physical stress. Many medical companies make food supplements based on different types of B vitamins.

Since B vitamins increase the body’s energy, experts suggest that ‘nutritional supplements’ based on them should be taken in the morning. Taking them in the evening or at night obviously reduces their effectiveness. Also, recent research has revealed that taking vitamin B6 at night can interfere with sleep.

Fat soluble vitamins
A, D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins. Humans need a small amount of them every day. These vitamins are usually found in food, but sometimes they have to be taken in dietary supplements. Since these vitamins are fat soluble, it is best to take them after meals so that the body can absorb them easily.

Deficiency of this mineral in the body can lead to anemia. Experts recommend taking iron-based tablets or liquids on an empty stomach. The reason is that iron cannot be properly absorbed by the body when taken with food. Therefore, take iron pill one hour before or two hours after food.

If the body receives this mineral in the required amount, then a person sleeps well, and his muscles and nerves also remain strong. According to medical experts, the pill based on this mineral is taken 15 minutes before going to sleep, so sleep is good. Also, human stress also goes away.

Tablets and liquids of this mineral are used by millions of men and women worldwide. This mineral keeps our bones healthy and strong. Experts say take a calcium pill after eating, especially after foods that contain vitamin D. The reason is that calcium is better absorbed in the body with the help of vitamin D. Therefore, the proper time to take this mineral is also in the morning.

“Prenatal” vitamins and minerals
According to modern medical research, women who want to get pregnant should take certain vitamins and minerals before giving birth. They were given the name “Prenatal Vitamins”. These vitamins and minerals and their required amount are as follows:

*Folic acid 400 micrograms *Vitamin D 600 International Units *Calcium 1,000 mg *Vitamin C 80 mg *Thiamine 1.4 mg *Riboflavin 1.4 mg *Nicinin 18 mg *Vitamin B12 2.6 micrograms *Vitamin B6 1.9 mg *Vitamin E 15 mg *Zinc 11 mg *Steel 27 mg *Vitamin A 770 micrograms Medical experts say, it is better to take prenatal nutritional supplements with some food. This is because most women may experience indigestion and nausea if taken on an empty stomach. Another important thing is that there are various types of prenatal vitamin and mineral based ‘nutritional supplements’ available in the market. Women should use them only under the advice of a qualified doctor. Taking many vitamins and minerals together can affect the health of the fetus (baby).

Men and women who take ‘dietary supplements’ should also remember the fact that they should not be overused. Some vitamins and minerals can be life-threatening if taken in excess. Among them, vitamin E and beta-carotene are at the top. So, take care that the amount of vitamins and minerals required by the human body is less and less. That much should be taken. Then ‘nutritional supplements’ are also beneficial and they keep a person healthy. Moderation and moderation is the best way of human life and according to the Holy Qur’an, this is also the favorite of the Lord of the Universe.

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When to take vitamin and mineral tablets?

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