Why is colon cancer on the rise?Why is colon cancer on the rise?

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Colorectal or colon cancer cases have been increasing rapidly for the past few years. This tumor affects the colon and stomach, which adversely affects the patient’s health and quality of life.

According to a recent BBC report, the number of patients under the age of 50 is increasing rapidly in some parts of the world, especially compared to older people.

The rapid increase in colon cancer cases is being termed as ‘alarming’ and ‘disturbing’ by some experts, while others are calling for a ‘global alert’ on the issue.

According to medical experts, if we compare today’s data with the rate 30 years ago, some studies show evidence of a 70% increase in colorectal cancer cases among relatively young patients.

Reasons for increasing rates of colorectal cancer

Research shows that colorectal cancer cases have increased in recent decades in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the report, the reasons for this include increasing average age, lifestyle and dietary changes.

The United Nations Global Cancer Observatory says that since 1990, nine Latin American countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador and Mexico, have experienced a decline in colorectal cancer cases and death rates. An increase has been observed.

According to medical experts, today we have moved from the era of infectious diseases to the era of chronic diseases, the main reason of which is the lifestyle of people. Obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and changes in diet are leading to increase in cases of this type of cancer.

According to the Colorectal Tumor Reference Center, it’s common for young people in their 35s or 40s to come for tumor screening. Regardless of age, anyone who experiences any problem with their bowels should contact a doctor immediately.

They say that if someone has blood in their stool, feels any change in their bowels or has stomach pain, it is important to consult a doctor. Even if you are young, these symptoms should not be ignored.

According to the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC), the increase in colorectal cases among young people is alarming, but there are some hypotheses as to why this tumor is increasing, but none of them have been confirmed so far.

According to him, one of the reasons for this could be the disappearance of rural culture in recent decades and the dramatic changes in our lifestyles, including an increase in our diet based on processed products, less consumption of natural foods, walking instead of walking. Sitting for long periods of time may be involved, but lifestyle changes aren’t the only cause.

According to him, today we cannot ignore the indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

good news

Despite concerns about rising cases among young people, the good news is that colorectal cancer prognosis has improved.

This has been made possible due to the advancement in surgical techniques, due to which it is now possible to treat this cancer at an early stage. In many cases, surgery is also possible with drugs, while chemotherapy and immunotherapy are effective in its treatment.

If the tumor is detected early, the probability of treatment is more than 95%, but if the disease spreads to other parts of the body, the treatment is difficult and the success rate is low.

Experts say that even if a cure is not possible, patients with this tumor are three to four times more likely to survive than they were 20 years ago.

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Why is colon cancer on the rise?

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