A few moments of solitude in the daily routine are essential for mental healthA few moments of solitude in the daily routine are essential for mental health

Hong Kong: It is often said that spending more time with people or friends is good for overall health, but recent research tells us that some alone time is also vital for mental health and social life.

Ken Fung, director of therapy and psychologist at the Jadis Blurton Family Development Center in Hong Kong, has dispelled the misconceptions associated with loneliness in his recent study and encourages people to spend some alone time on their own.

He said that there is a difference between spending time alone and feeling alone. Spending time alone is an option while loneliness is a state of feeling disconnected. This happens even when you are surrounded by good people.

Psychologists said that our mind is constantly engaged in different types of mental activities which can be divided into two states of ‘action’ and ‘rest’.

Usually we are more in ‘action’ mode which refers to the steps we would take to achieve our daily goals. Although it has its benefits, it can be harmful to our mental health when we are in the same mood all day.

But the state of ‘stay’ is the most neglected. In this state you are not busy with anything but spend some time with yourself. This time helps in clarifying what is going on in life or the current situation, providing insight and developing effective action plans.

Spending time in solitude helps us understand and connect with our thoughts and feelings. Everyone needs it whether they are extroverts or introverts.

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A few moments of solitude in the daily routine are essential for mental health

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