Measures to prevent side effects of medicinesMeasures to prevent side effects of medicines

Allopathic medicines used to treat various diseases are the great discovery of this century. Although these drugs have a quick effect and bring health, but while eliminating the disease, they can also leave some side effects that have nothing to do with the treatment of the disease.

These additional and unnecessary effects are called side effects. Almost all allopathic medicines are expected to cause various side effects.

These effects can be mild and sometimes life-threatening. Indiscriminate and unnecessary use of medicines in private practice can pose many risks to human health.

Therefore, it is important that different types of allopathic medicines are always used on the advice of a doctor and the instructions given by the doctor should be kept in mind while using them. In this article, necessary information is being given about different types of allopathic medicines and their side effects so that in case of any side effects during their use, they can be controlled by taking precautionary measures. .

Side effects are usually caused by the chemical action of the medication. Most of these drugs have side effects that cause minor discomfort, but sometimes one of the side effects reaches dangerous levels and can even lead to death if not treated in time.

It is also very important to know that not all the side effects of a drug appear in the same patient. Some patients experience one type of effect, while others experience another. In some patients, such side effects do not appear at all.

These effects have different causes depending on the patient’s sex, age, weight, dose, dosage and nature of the disease. Sometimes taking more than the prescribed amount of the medicine can cause side effects. Likewise, if the instructions given about food and drink along with the medicine are not followed, there may be side effects.

Whenever you are using any medicine alone or with other medicines, be sure to ask the doctor about their possible side effects and precautions. Sometimes side effects can be avoided simply by changing the dose of the drug or taking it with food; If this is not possible, then doctors can help to eliminate or reduce these effects in other ways.

Seven safeguards

(1) Always take medicine as per doctor’s advice, use as prescribed and follow doctor’s instructions.

(2) Be sure to ask the doctor about its possible side effects while taking the medicine so that you do not have to worry unnecessarily. Such side effects and other information are usually written on a paper on or inside the medicine package.

(3) Remember if you are pregnant, suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes (sugar) or any other chronic disease, consult your doctor before taking any medicine.

(4) Tell the doctor if you are allergic to any medicine.

(5) If you feel unwell during or immediately after taking the medicine, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

(6) Do not mix different medicines. If you are using more than one medicine, whether it is aspirin or antacid, be sure to tell the doctor about it. Never use medicines with alcohol.

(7) Take the medicine for the duration prescribed by the doctor. Do not increase or decrease this period at will.

Use of medicines for children

In the case of children, even more attention and caution is required in the use of medicines. Unlike adults, dosages for children of different ages are different. In addition, some medicines that are beneficial for adults may prove dangerous for children. For example, the use of Aspirin can cause liver diseases and mental diseases in children. Therefore, never give aspirin to children.

Similarly, if tetracycline is given to children under 10 years of age, their teeth will turn yellow and their bone growth will also stop. Therefore, it is important to keep the following things in mind while giving different medicines to children:

Always keep all medicines out of the reach of children.

Always give the medicine according to the dose and quantity recommended by the doctor.

* Always give medicine to children in your presence otherwise they may overdose.

* Never give sweet or brightly colored medicine to children by calling it sweet or juice, but tell them the medicine.

Use of medicines in diarrhea or diarrhea (Diarrhoea).

When there are three or more loose stools in a day, it is called diarrhea or diarrhea. Every year, many children die from dehydration and malnutrition as a result of diarrhoea.

Sudden diarrhea usually resolves within a few days. Therefore, there is absolutely no benefit in taking different anti-diarrhea medicines and antibiotics. Research has also revealed that the use of medicines in diarrhea is completely unnecessary. Moreover, a popular anti-diarrhoea drug has also caused the deaths of many children. In this case, there is a possibility of losing money and harming the patient by using medicines. Also, if the diarrhea is due to an infection, then the infection needs to be treated.

Most patients with sudden onset of diarrhea benefit from giving plenty of juice, saline (ORS), water, and soups. There are only a few patients who require hospitalization with severe dehydration and unrelenting profuse vomiting, where the dehydration is replaced by a drip. .

Give your child plenty to drink when he has diarrhea. Continue breastfeeding and give him boiled water, saline (ORS) and light food. More water than is passed out through diarrhea should be given to the baby by mouth. If water and salt deficits are maintained, there is no risk of immediate harm from diarrhea.

Use of medications during pregnancy

Using medicines at any stage during pregnancy can have harmful effects on the unborn child. For convenience, the pregnancy period can be divided into three equal stages:

First trimester: First three months

Second trimester: from the fourth month to the sixth month

Third trimester: from the seventh month to the ninth month

Use of the drug during the first trimester may cause birth defects in children. The baby is most at risk of harm during the first 3 to 11 weeks of pregnancy. The use of medicines during the second and third trimesters may stop the growth of the child or the toxic effects of the medicines may appear on his body. The adverse effect of drugs taken during the last days of pregnancy or during maternity may also be visible to the baby after birth. Use the medicine during pregnancy only if you are absolutely sure that it will not harm the mother or the baby. If possible, do not use any medication during the first trimester.

Use of medicines during lactation

Lactation is the period during which a mother feeds her baby with her milk. Breastfeeding mothers need to be very careful in using medicines as many medicines can pass into breast milk and prove harmful to the baby. If the drug must be used by the mother, and the drug is relatively safe, it should be administered approximately one hour after breastfeeding and three hours before breastfeeding again.

Medications that have not been fully studied for their effects on nursing infants should be avoided. Only a doctor can give you this advice, so it is very important to consult your doctor before using any medicine. Chloramphenicol, Diazepam, Morphine, Estrogen, etc. are some of the famous drugs that affect the baby through breast milk.

Disadvantages of self-medication:

Using medicines without doctor’s advice and at will is very harmful to health. The side effects of these drugs can be life threatening. For example, excessive use of aspirin can cause stomach ulcers. Death can also occur from shock caused by penicillin and various types of antibiotics. Similarly, one of the causes of jaundice and kidney stones can be self-medication.

Liver is most affected by the unnecessary use of different types of drugs. Because the liver acts as the biochemical laboratory of the human body. Therefore, it is important to avoid self-medication and in case of various diseases, use the medicine with the doctor’s advice.

Apart from this, the patient becomes addicted to the drugs by using them voluntarily. Initially, some medicine is taken continuously on its own to relieve pain or anxiety. The body then becomes addicted to the drug and eventually becomes as difficult to live without as heroin addiction. The thoughtless and unnecessary use of antibiotics, steroids, tranquillisers for minor ailments is very dangerous.

This habit may give temporary relief but later it becomes a problem for life. With the continuous use of these drugs, kidney, liver and other organs of the body start getting damaged. To avoid all these harms it is better to always take the medicine after consulting the doctor.

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Measures to prevent side effects of medicines

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