New test modality for prostate cancer diagnosis

Michigan: Scientists have developed a urine test that can diagnose prostate cancer without biopsy. The test will look at 18 genes associated with the disease.

University of Michigan researchers who developed a test called My Prostate Score 2.0 (MPS2) aim to distinguish between fast- and slow-growing prostate cancer.

Most prostate cancers grow slowly (or don’t grow at all) and probably don’t need treatment. This type of cancer is usually managed with regular check-ups.

More than one-third of prostate cancers diagnosed are low-grade, the researchers said.

They said the MPS2 test in these individuals could help prevent 41 percent of unnecessary biopsies, which are usually performed in the operating theater under general anesthetic.

Currently, prostate cancer is diagnosed through a PSA blood test, MRI scan and biopsy of the prostate gland.

However, prostate cancer cannot be diagnosed with a blood test or MRI alone. A biopsy is more reliable in diagnosing small, low-risk cancers.

In the study, researchers looked at 18 genes associated with prostate cancer using the MPS2 test in more than 800 urine samples.

MPS2 identified low-grade cancers with nearly 100 percent accuracy, the researchers said.

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New test modality for prostate cancer diagnosis

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