AI technology has overtaken even ophthalmologists

New York: A new study has revealed that artificial intelligence (AI) can beat human ophthalmologists in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.

According to media reports, a study published in ‘JAMA Ophthalmology’ revealed that OpenAI’s GPT-4 system outperformed ophthalmologists in examining 20 different types of glaucoma and retinal disease patients.

Dr. Louis Pasquale, senior author of the study and deputy chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, said that the AIGPT-4 system is surprisingly adept at examining patients with glaucoma and retina.

Moreover, its methodology is very similar to the diagnosis and treatment recommendations made by human doctors.

Dr. Lewis also said that the research findings demonstrate that AI technology can play an important supporting role for ophthalmologists. Just as the AI ​​application ‘Grammarly’ can make us better writers, GPT-4 can provide us with valuable guidance to become better doctors.

It should be noted that glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that damage the nerves in the back of the eye, causing loss of vision and blindness.

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AI technology has overtaken even ophthalmologists

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