Why is exercise more beneficial for women than men?  The reason came out

California: A study has shown that exercising is more beneficial for women than men.

The study, conducted at the Smidhart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California, looked at data from over 400,000 Americans.

The study found that women who exercised regularly were less likely to die prematurely than men.

The study found that women who exercised were 24 percent less likely to die prematurely than women who did not exercise, compared with 15 percent for men.

The researchers said that women who exercised had a 36 percent lower risk of a fatal heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular event, compared to 14 percent for men.

According to the researchers, there could possibly be different reasons for the difference in these results, one of which is different physiology. As men have a larger lung space, a larger heart, a higher lean body mass and a higher rate of instantaneous energy release from muscle.

Due to all these characteristics, men develop more strength than women. However, women put more effort into exercise than men.

The study found that women got the same benefits from exercising as men, but they took less time to do so.

Women who did 140 minutes of moderate exercise per week had an 18 percent lower chance of dying prematurely, but men had to do double the amount of exercise to 300 minutes to get those results.

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Why is exercise more beneficial for women than men? The reason came out

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