Stroke symptoms and precautions

Pakistan is among the five countries where chemically treated water from large cities and industries is being used in agriculture

Paralysis is considered an incurable disease. This perception is completely wrong. Blockage of the arteries in the brain, which affects the blood supply to the brain, is called a stroke.

Diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, smoking, tobacco, alcohol consumption, heart valve disorders which are diseases that increase the risk of stroke. The rate of stroke patients in Pakistan has exceeded 40%. About 10 lakh people suffer from some form of disability due to stroke.

There are two types of paralysis. One is the rupture of blood vessels in the brain, the other is a blockage in the blood vessels of the brain. Heart disease, heart valve disease, fatty deposits in neck arteries are the main causes of stroke.

Symptoms of stroke

Sudden crooked mouth or non-functioning of hand, foot on any one side, affected voice. To diagnose this disease, an MRI or CT scan of the brain is done to find out which part of the brain is affected by the stroke.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the rate of stroke patients in Pakistan has exceeded 40%. In the coming years, stroke will become the fourth major disease in Pakistan. At least 22% of people suffering from stroke in Pakistan die or become disabled.

Pregnant women are more prone to stroke. This is called CVST and is diagnosed by MRV. Stroke in children is caused by brain infection, heart valve problem, blood disorders. One in four people in the world will have a stroke at some point in their life and it is preventable.

How can one be protected from stroke?

Keeping your blood pressure under control and taking blood pressure medication regularly. Keeping your sugar under control and taking your medication regularly. Walk at least 15 to 20 minutes daily. Avoiding smoking. Avoiding depression and stress as one in six strokes is due to stress. Control anger and lower cholesterol. Be sure to eat a balanced diet, i.e. use more fruits and vegetables. Keep your weight under control, one in five strokes is caused by obesity.

Physiotherapy plays a very important role along with medication if someone has a stroke. Also, if any of the symptoms of stroke are found in any patient, immediately contact a brain doctor i.e. neurologist and avoid the complications of stroke. Complications like chest infection, urinary tract infection, numbness in hands and feet, depression, body aches etc. are common after stroke. Remember that by adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can prevent stroke and stroke complications.

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Stroke symptoms and precautions

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