2024 Elections: Youthful Hope and Women's Journey:

Get ready for Pakistan’s 2024 elections on February 8! The younger crowd, aged 18 to 34, is feeling hopeful. A recent look at things by VOA and IPSOS tells us that, despite some political ups and downs, the young folks are excited about what’s coming. At the same time, the survey gives us a peek into what women are going through in this political adventure.

Hopeful Vibes: What Young Folks Are Thinking

In the lively world of Pakistan’s politics, young voices are shouting out with hope. Even with some issues, like leaders getting into trouble and all the talk about political parties, a good number of young people believe the upcoming elections will be fair. They really care about democratic values, want politics without any mess, and think they can play a big part in making things better.

Recent controversies, like Imran Khan’s troubles and the noise around PTI, are on the minds of the youth. But guess what? They’re not letting it bring them down. They’re all set to be a part of shaping democracy, thinking their voices really count. Social media is like their hangout spot, where they connect with other young voters and talk about stuff outside the usual political drama.

Looking into the future, this article wonders about how the youth’s upbeat feelings might stick around after the 2024 elections. Their strong interest might just change things up in politics.

Women Rocking the Political Scene

At the same time, the survey takes a look at what’s happening for women in the lead-up to the 2024 general elections. Being a woman in politics has its challenges, but it’s also got some opportunities.

Getting the scoop on women’s roles in Pakistani politics, this article shares stories about the challenges women face. It checks out how they deal with problems and looks at the interesting stuff that can happen when women get involved in politics.

Spilling the beans on what matters most to women voters, the article checks out how political parties talk about these topics in their campaigns. It’s like getting a sneak peek into what women and young folks care about in the elections.

Sharing the survey’s inside info on what young women think as voters, this article paints a clear picture of shared concerns and dreams between women and the youth. By paying attention to what both groups care about, the article says it’s important to look at all kinds of needs.

Thinking about what happens to women in top political roles after the 2024 elections, the article talks about what this could mean for making rules and decisions. Getting more women involved could make a politics that really listens to everyone.

Wrapping things up, this article says it’s all about recognizing and talking about what women and youth want. It’s like waving a flag for a politics that includes everyone’s voice.


In conclusion, as Pakistan gears up for the 2024 elections, the enthusiasm and hope radiating from the younger generation and the evolving role of women in politics promise a dynamic and inclusive political future. The youth, with their optimism and commitment to democratic values, are poised to play a significant role in shaping the nation’s destiny. Simultaneously, the challenges faced by women in politics underscore the importance of acknowledging and addressing gender-specific concerns. As the election unfolds, it is crucial to recognize and embrace the shared dreams and aspirations of both women and the youth, fostering a more inclusive and representative political landscape for the benefit of all citizens.


Qurat Ul Ain
PNP Election Cell

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2024 Elections: Youthful Hope and Women's Journey:

By PNP Intern

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