Lemon - Express Urdu

Wow Kent: The botanical name of lemon is Citrus lemon.

Historical background: Lemon is a small sized fruit. The diameter of a full-sized fruit is fifty millimeters or two inches. Its plants are evergreen.

This fruit is mainly related to the continent of Asia, Northeast India and China. Lemon is oval in shape and yellow in color.

It is a fruit consumed worldwide. Lemons are believed to have originated in Europe near southern Italy in the second century AD after the time of ancient Rome. Later Persia was introduced to Iraq and Egypt around 700 AD.

Lemon was first introduced to the Americas in 1493, when Christopher Columbus brought lemon seeds to Hispaniola on his voyage.

The first citrus cultivation in Europe began in Genoa in the mid-fifteenth century. In the 19th century, its cultivation began on a large scale in Florida and California. Its plants are capable of producing flowers and fruits simultaneously throughout the year. The outer skin of the fruit turns green and later turns yellow.

Citrus plants require a minimum temperature to grow. The pH of lemon juice is around 5 to 6% which makes it sour in taste.

Lemon juice is used to make lemonade water, which is drunk during summers to replenish the salt deficiency in the body. It is the most popular hot weather drink. Lemon is used for many purposes.

However, it is mostly used in pickles, salads, drinks and dishes. Lemon trees are three to six meters i.e. 10 to 20 feet high. If it is not harvested, the color of the leaves remains reddish.

The fruit is small oval and pointed. Plants can bear fruit six to ten times a year.

According to a conservative estimate, the average yield of the orchard is 1500 lemons per tree per year. Citrus fruit can be stored for up to 3 months.

Varieties: According to botanists, there are more than 30 varieties of citrus. A few types are described below:

1. Bears Lemon: This variety is grown primarily in Florida and Brazil. Gardeners love it because the produce is easy to grow, maintain and harvest. It can be harvested from summer to fall.

This variety is juicy and has very few seeds. It has a sour taste that is perfect for making drinks and lemonade.

2. Lime: Lime is also known as sweet lemon. It is less acidic. It is famously sweet and slightly pungent in its taste. Its advantage is that it can be harvested throughout the year. It is medium in size and dark green in color. It is not used in flavoring food but is preserved.

3. Lisbon Lemon: It is smooth in size and yellow in color. This variety has very few seeds. Its sour aroma is incredibly mesmerizing. It has a sour taste.

It is used to make custard. Its best harvesting season is winter and spring.

4. Fenno Stern Lemon: This variety has a very sour and juicy taste. People use it mostly for medicinal purposes. Its crop is harvested from September to April. It contains a significant amount of seeds. It is the most popular fruit of South Eastern regions.

5. Yen Bean Lemon: The Yen Bean lemon is a delicate variety. Growing and maintaining it is quite a difficult task. This variety is available in both summer and winter seasons.

It has to be harvested on time otherwise there is a risk of spoilage. It is yellow in color and oval in shape. The skin is thin and smooth. It contains very few seeds.

6. Verna Lemon: This variety is very popular in European countries, especially Italy and Spain. It is a very productive variety. Plants need lemons in abundance.

It is harvested in February and early July. It has very few seeds while the peel is thick.

7. Paper lime: Its color is green initially and turns yellow after ripening. This variety originated from Central India.

His favorite seasons are summer and winter. It is used in beverages and foods. It has a sour taste. This variety is mostly used for medicinal purposes. It also treats mosquito bites. It reduces body irritation.

8. Bush Lemon: This is an Australian variety with a famous lemon flavor. However, it does not contain much juice. Hence, this variety is suitable for most dishes.

Its taste makes the dishes delicious. It is more useful for smokers. This species mostly grows in the forest. As long as its seeds fall to the ground, new plants continue to grow. This type of skin is rough and yellowish in color.

9. Buddha’s Hand Lemons: This type of lemon is also called “finger lemons” because of its unusual shape. They look like long yellow hands growing from above. In China it is considered a symbol of good luck.

This variety is usually served in religious ceremonies. The special thing about Buddha lemon is that it does not contain juice and pulp. Its taste is sweet and free from bitterness. It can also be eaten raw. Usually it is kept as decoration in houses.

10. Villafranca Lemon: This variety has a sour taste. Its size is medium and the skin is yellow. It is mostly found in the state of Florida.

It is also cultivated in Argentina and Israel. It is a winter fruit with a taste and appearance similar to the eureka lemon.

Total production: The total production of citrus was 21.4 million tons as of 2020. Among the countries where it is produced, the top countries are India with 3.7, Mexico 2.9, China 2.7, Argentina 1.8, Brazil 1.6 and Turkey with 1.2 million tons. .

Phytochemical compounds: The following phytochemical compounds are found in lemon fruit.

Polyphenols, terpenoids, flavonoids

Terpenenoids, Tannins, Alkaloids, Quinines

* Nutrition facts: According to USDS, the nutritional content of 100 grams of lemon is as follows.

Water: 89%, Energy: 29 Calories, Sugars: 2.5g, Carbohydrates: 9.32g, Dietary Fiber: 2.8g, Fat: 0.3g, Protein: 1.1g, Vitamins / Amount / Daily Need, Thiamin B1 0.04mg 3 %, riboflavin B2 0.02 mg 2%, niacin B3 0.1 mg 1%, pantothenic acid B5 0.19 mg 4%, vitamin B6 0.08 mg 6%, folate B9 11 micrograms 3%, choline 5.1 mg 1%, Vitamin C 53 mg 64%, Minerals / Amount / Daily Need, Calcium 26 mg 3%, Iron 0.6 mg 5%, Magnesium 8 mg 2%, Magnesium 0.03 mg 1%, Phosphorus 16 mg 2%, potassium 138 mg 3%, zinc 0.06 mg 1%

Medical Benefits: Lemon has the following medical benefits:

1. Protection against heart disease: Lemon is a good source of vitamin C. One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C.

Research has shown that eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C greatly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is not only possible thanks to vitamin C, but the fiber, antioxidants and phytochemical compounds present in it also play an important role in reducing the severity of the disease.

A study has revealed that if 24 grams of lemon is consumed daily for a month, the increased level of cholesterol in the blood is reduced. In fact, protective compounds found in lemons such as diosmin and hesperdin reduce elevated cholesterol levels.

2. Aids in weight loss: Lemon is often touted as a weight loss food. There are some medical theories about it. A common theory is that the gelatinous pectin fiber in lemons expands in the stomach, keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

Some people also believe that drinking honey mixed with lemon in warm water can help in weight loss.

3. Prevents Kidney Stones: Lemons contain stearic acid which helps in preventing kidney stones by increasing the amount of urine.

If one or two cups or 125 ml of lemon juice is consumed daily, the stones will break down and be passed out through the urine and the chances of forming more are also reduced.

4. Prevention of anemia: Due to lack of iron, the patient suffers from anemia. This usually happens when the body does not get enough iron from food, as lemons contain both vitamin C and stearic acid, so they prevent anemia.

5. Reducing the risk of cancer: Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that play an important role in preventing cancer. Some observational studies have found that people who eat the most lemons have a significantly reduced risk of cancer. Medical experts believe that the defensive compounds found in lemons eg

Naringenin, limonene, betacryptoxanthin, hesperidin have anti-cancer properties.

6. Improves digestion: Lemons contain about ten percent carbohydrates. These are mostly soluble fiber and simple forms. The main dietary fiber in lemons is pectin, which is a form of intestinal fiber.

Fiber improves intestinal health. These effects result in low blood sugar levels. However, to get fiber from lemon, it is very important to eat its pulp. People who only drink lemon juice miss out on fiber intake.

7. To boost immunity: Lemon is considered as an immunity boosting fruit, as it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help fight diseases.

For example, they protect against diseases like cold and flu. If a glass of warm water is mixed with lemon juice and a big spoonful of honey and taken daily, diseases like cough, flu and cold can definitely be avoided.

8. Beneficial for the skin: Lemons contain significant amounts of vitamin C, which plays an important role in collagen production.

Collagen makes our skin look beautiful and plump. It reduces fine lines on the face. Although lemon is a small but powerful fruit that contains all the nutrients.

9. To control high blood pressure: According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, daily consumption of 30 to 60 minutes of brisk walking can help control high blood pressure.

People who regularly consume lemons have significantly reduced symptoms of high blood pressure compared to others.

10. Useful in Throat Infections: Patients are often advised to use lemon for their throat infections, mainly because lemon is a fruit with natural antibacterial properties that reduce bacterial effects. Cures throat infections.

11. Good for hair: Lemons are rich in vitamin C which plays an important role in hair growth by increasing collagen.

If you are suffering from hair loss, you can mix aloe vera gel with two tablespoons of lemon juice and apply it on your hair thirty minutes before taking a bath and then wash your hair with a good cleanser.

Caution: Excessive consumption of anything can have adverse health effects. Drinking lemon juice in large quantities has the following adverse health effects:

1. It can aggravate gastroesophageal reflux disease.

2. Acids in lemons can turn sores into abscesses.

3. Migraine pain can recur frequently.

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