Even a few weeks' premature birth can affect babies' development, research suggests

Stockholm: A recent study by researchers tells us that babies who are born even a few weeks before their due date are at risk for developmental problems.

According to media reports, an analysis of data from more than 1 million Swedish babies showed that babies born at 31 to 33 or 34 to 36 weeks had a lower risk of epilepsy, brain function, movement and vision. They are more likely to have cognitive problems that can affect their behavior and ability to learn.

The researchers also noted that nearly 80 percent of all recorded births are preterm births. Dr Jenny Bolk, a neonatologist and senior researcher at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, said these risks should not be underestimated, as babies born even weeks premature are the most common cause of death. Have a large proportion.

The above findings can help professionals and families better assess risk, follow up cases and better plan health care for such children, he added.

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Even a few weeks' premature birth can affect babies' development, research suggests

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