Guidelines for good health

It is important to appreciate and appreciate a blessing like health. Photo: File

Allah, the Exalted, bestowed upon man the honor of being the best of all creations, and also blessed him with immense blessings. At the same time, everything in the universe kept some of the best secrets for him and ordered him to conquer them. “And He has subjugated for you all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth.” (Al-Jasiyyah, 45:13)

Among these blessings, we got many things by asking and many things without asking. But we are still guilty of ingratitude.

We never think that what we have received unasked for are blessings without which it would be difficult or impossible to imagine living. Among them, air, water, day, night, sleep, cold, heat, mountain, river, sea, fire and even earthquake and flood etc. are blessings. If on one hand they are a cause of destruction for mankind, on the other hand there are many benefits in them for future generations.

Health is the best of all the blessings bestowed by Allah Ta’ala. In Urdu, the word ‘Tandrasti’ is used as a substitute for health.

This word is a combination of tan and correctness, it refers to the state of the body in which a person’s mental or physical condition is normal. Complete relief from disease, healing, perfect health of the body is called.

Allah Ta’ala says: “The oath of figs and the oath of olives.” And swear by the (mountain) of Sina. And by this peaceful city (Makkah). Indeed, We have created man in the best (moderate and balanced) structure.” (Al-Tain, 95:1-4)

It is an irrefutable fact that as long as you are healthy, every blessing in the world is within your grasp. Because being healthy you can strive to fulfill your every desire. But when health begins to leave you, money, money, love and people, all leave you one by one. The blessing of health is best felt when a person falls ill.

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said to Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar, “Five things should be considered as booty before the five things happen.” Youth before old age, health before sickness, prosperity before poverty, leisure before preoccupation, life before death.

In the present age, man has become materialistic. His living style is becoming luxurious day by day. The luxurious machines made him not only lazy and lazy but also completely self-reliant. On the other hand, complacency is also gone.

There is a race to get rich, outdo each other and have all the luxuries of life and everyone wants to have everything in the world. While this materialism has made man oblivious to death, it has also made him completely indifferent to his life and health.

Due to fast food, junk food, constant work and luxurious lifestyle, health is left far behind when a person reaches old age.

Rather, nowadays this turn is coming much earlier than Zaeef al-Umari. There comes a time when, despite having the best rides in the world, it becomes a compulsion for a person to walk on foot and despite cooking the best dishes, eating dull and tasteless dishes. Although diseases sometimes come in the form of experiments, but to a large extent, the human hand is also involved in them.

It is the responsibility of man to appreciate one of the great blessings of Allah, health, and maintain it through his natural lifestyle.

Maintaining one’s health and using the organs given by Allah in good deeds is also equivalent to showing gratitude to Allah. Therefore, we should try to stay away from diseases and try to avoid as much as possible all those factors that have negative effects on the body.

If seen, the cause of most diseases is deviation from the rules of health and cleanliness and excesses. Other causes of disease include materialism, drug addiction and environmental pollution. The major cause of environmental pollution is factories in residential areas, increasing trend of traffic and smoke emitted from them.

Diseases caused by their side effects can be very dangerous and fatal. At the same time, many minor diseases take the form of cancer due to carelessness and negligence. In order to lead a healthy life there are some guidelines of fitness that we have to incorporate in our life.

Plenty of water

One of the best blessings given by Allah in our life is water which, despite being devoid of color and taste, is the most essential for humans, animals and the environment and life without it is impossible to imagine.

The human body must drink about eight to fourteen glasses of water a day. Although it may decrease depending on age and physical structure. Pregnant and lactating mothers should drink plenty of water. Adequate amount of water can protect you from many physical diseases, among which stomach and kidney diseases and constipation etc. are important. At the same time, water is a unit for physical and environmental cleanliness.

A balanced diet

A balanced diet is very important to maintain the functions of the human body. To stay healthy, the human body needs food that contains all the nutrients in proper amounts. Including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. For them, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, rice and pulses should be used in adequate quantity.


Daily exercise is also important to stay healthy and fit. Walking and light exercise can correct weight problems, digestion, heart, brain and other organ functions. Exercise increases your metabolism and reduces excess body fat which is the main cause of many diseases.

Rest and sleep

Along with food, water and exercise, rest and sleep are also essential for the human body. Eight hours of sleep a day can play an important role in keeping you healthy.

Allah Ta’ala has given you a perfect schedule by making day and night and making five daily prayers obligatory in which you can easily manage your work, rest and food times to live a healthy life. A balanced diet, moderate climate, adequate sleep, daily exercise along with lifestyle changes are the most important need of the hour to lead a fully healthy life.

There are also certain activities and behaviors that cause different types of hormones to be produced in the human body that create positive changes in the body.

These include praying five times a day, serving others, being thankful, living a positive life, friendship, caring and helping each other, being happy with yourself and making others happy. Total abstinence from smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, oily and spicy foods is also a very important step towards wellness.

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Guidelines for good health

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