The rate of inflation in the country reached 32 percent, increasing the prices of various essential items

According to the Institute of Statistics, the rate of inflation in the country has reached 32% this week.

According to the Bureau of Statistics, the prices of 23 essential items have increased during the recent week.

In the weekly report, the statistics agency said that onion became expensive by Rs 8 per kg, ghee by Rs 2.50 per kg, live chicken by Rs 12 per kg and banana by Rs 4 per dozen. Apart from this, domestic LPG cylinder became expensive by Rs.63.

A kilo of lentil mung rose by 2 rupees, dal mash by 2 and a half rupees. Apart from this, a 20 kg bag of flour became cheaper by 108 rupees 44 paise, a kilo of tomato became cheaper by almost two and a half rupees and potato by 1 rupee 61 paise.

Also, during the recent week, the prices of 11 essential commodities recorded a decrease and the prices of 17 remained stable.

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The rate of inflation in the country reached 32 percent, increasing the prices of various essential items

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