Big increase in driving license fee in Punjab

Lahore: Punjab government has increased the driving license fee.

According to Express News, earlier the learner license fee was fixed at 60 rupees for 5 years, but the government has now fixed the learner fee at 500 rupees per year. The 5-year motorcycle license fee was set at Rs 550, now citizens will be charged Rs 500 per year for the license. The 5-year motorcycle rickshaw fee was fixed at Rs 550, now it has been fixed at Rs 500 per year.

The 5-year fee for motor car and jeep license was 950, now 1800 rupees will be charged every year. Light transport fee for 5 years was 950, now 2000 per year will be charged. The 5-year fee for heavy transport was 450, now 2000 should be paid every year. The 5-year fee for tractor license was 450, now 1000 will be charged every year.

5 years fee of commercial tractor was 450 now 1500 has to be paid every year. The 5-year license fee for disabled persons was fixed at Rs.20, the Punjab government has abolished the fee for driving license for disabled persons. The 5-year fee for public service vehicle was fixed at 450, now 1500 will not have to be paid every year. The driving license fee for the remaining categories has been increased from Rs 100 to Rs 1000.

Driving license fees have been increased by up to 1000 percent. Driving license fees have been increased significantly after 20 years. According to the Punjab government, the advertisement of increase in fees will be published soon for public awareness. The new fees will be applicable from January 1.

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