Motorway police returned gold worth Rs 6 lakh to the owner

Motorway Police returning gold articles (Photo: Motorway Police)

Lahore: Motorway Police M2, setting an example of integrity, handed over the gold worth six and a half lakh rupees found at Sheikhupura Rest Area to the owner.

According to the spokesperson of Motorway Police, the valuable gold chain, ring and belongings of a citizen going to Islamabad were left in the rest area. Arslan, a citizen, reported on Motorway Police Helpline 130. Searched and handed over to the owner.

According to the spokesman, the citizen appreciated the honesty of the Motorway Police for finding the valuables, Sector Commander Faisal Akram appreciated the honesty of the officers.

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Motorway police returned gold worth Rs 6 lakh to the owner

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