cipher case;  Decision reserved on FIA's request for in-camera hearing

Islamabad High Court reserved its decision on FIA’s request for in-camera hearing, Chief Justice Amir Farooq remarked that it has to be decided whether the hearing will be in-camera or in open court.

Chief Justice Aamir Farooq during the hearing on the FIA ​​application to conduct an in-camera hearing on PTI Chairman’s bail application remarked that the case will be rescheduled for hearing.

Lawyer Salman Safdar said that it is requested that the next hearing be held in a couple of days, on which the Chief Justice said that the office will schedule the case for hearing.

During the hearing, FIA Prosecutor Shah Khawar Advocate appeared in the court and said that the trial cannot be made public under the Official Secrets Act, today we are filing an application in the trial court.

The Chief Justice raised the question that the matter of the trial is different, can the bail hearing be held in-camera? Speaking to the lawyers, the Chief Justice said that I do not know about this, you will also see, the statement is to be made in the trial court.

Shah Khawar Advocate said that the cipher is a secret document and who will decode this document?

The court inquired whether there is any code of conduct or SOP related to the cipher. The Special Prosecutor said that during the hearing of the bail application, some important documents and statements are to be kept before the court, the statements of some countries are also to be brought on record, if this process is public, relations with some countries may be affected.

The code of conduct relating to the cipher was read out in court. Manwar Dagal advocate said that the coded message is different for each country.

Shah Khawar Advocate said that the cipher is a secret document which is kept confidential in any case, the cipher comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The court remarked that the real house of the cipher is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but how are the ciphers coming?

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cipher case; Decision reserved on FIA's request for in-camera hearing

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