Lab-grown onions, eggs and chicken

Imagine that you are alive in the year 2060. It is a holiday. After breakfast, you go to the market, buy meat, milk, eggs, vegetables and fruits and go home happy.

There is nothing unusual in this whole process, except for one thing… that all the above food and drink items are produced in large and extensive laboratory-like factories. No animal was killed for meat.

Egg-laying hens were not raised, and vegetables and fruits were not obtained from fields or gardens… All these foodstuffs have emerged from a new technology that has been named “Cellular Agriculture”.

Decrease in production

This is not science fiction, but within the next forty to fifty years, man may be able to produce almost any food in a laboratory-like factory. Obviously, this will be a huge and amazing revolution, because thanks to it, every human They will be able to get the required food cheaply and abundantly.

Right now, the increasing prices of food and fuel have made billions of people living in every country of the world, including Pakistan, worried and depressed.

More than 80 million people are born on the planet every year. As if a new country with the population of Germany comes into being in just one year. Obviously, these 80 million people need the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, Education etc. is required.

The problem is, due to various reasons, agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture and other food sectors are not able to meet the food demand of humans.

New diseases also attack livestock. Farmers and gardeners are worried about the high cost of seeds and fertilizers and the scarcity of water. Growing crops has become a very expensive activity for them. Then natural calamities like floods, storms, famine. , locusts, extreme heat and cold also damage crops and gardens.

Climate and climatic changes have disrupted the sowing system. Therefore, the agriculture, pastoral and horticultural system at the international level is suffering from failure. Expensive and hungry camped everywhere.

The hunger monster

The most important negative aspect of hunger is that it destroys the distinction between good and bad in a person. Some time ago I saw a video from Karachi. In it, a slum butcher was openly selling donkey and horse meat.

When the video maker kicked him, the butcher said, “Brother Mian, when a man is hungry and has nothing to eat, he eats dogs and cats. I sell horse and donkey meat. Hunger is a cruel thing.” ‘

The first recorded revolution in human history was also born out of hunger. The story is that five and a half thousand years ago there was a city called Lagash in present-day Iraq. There, a corrupt and greedy king, Lugalanda, came to power. imposed heavy taxes on the peasants and took away their lands. Many peasants fled the country.

Therefore, the production of food in the state was greatly reduced and a food crisis arose. A year later, the people of Lagash began to die of hunger. Food was rare and very expensive in the state. appeared.

He urged the people that Lugananda is a cruel and oppressive ruler. Therefore, his government should be abolished so that the taxes imposed on the farmers could be removed. Similarly, food production could increase.

The people sided with Uruka Jena. He stormed the palace of Lugalanda with their help. The royal guards were also very tired of the king. They too did not put up much resistance. Lugalanda was killed in the attack. The revolutionaries made Uruka Jena the new king. Made it.

He is the first ruler in the world who made new laws for the welfare of the people and took many practical steps. The reason is that he was aware of the problems and sufferings of the people due to his relationship with them. That is why Uruka Jaina tried to live. Public problems should be solved. He claimed that the Lord of the Universe revealed him to guide mankind.

New experiences

In the last two years, food has become very expensive globally. Millions of people are dying of hunger due to lack of food. Due to this great crisis, scientists and technologists have started doing new experiments to develop cell agriculture.

The goal is to develop large-scale food production processes in laboratories. In the laboratory, food is prepared in a machine called a “bioreactor”. Currently, bioreactors are small in size. But in the future, it will be possible to make large quantities of food by building giant bioreactors. Thus, preparing cheap and abundant foods will become an easy process.

Cellular agriculture is not a rocket science but its basic process is simple. Through it, the required foods are produced with the help of human friendly organisms…cells, germs, fungi, yeast etc.

Remember, every living thing in the world is a collection of cells. Small bodies have fewer and larger ones have more cells. There are many types of these cells. If found, its cells multiply. Thus, a newborn child becomes young. In cell culture, the same process is done in the laboratory.

“stem cells”

Meat, milk, eggs and cheese are currently being made in the laboratory with the help of cells, germs, fungi and yeast.

Theoretically, it is possible to produce any food item such as wheat, rice, potato, onion, mango, guava, apple etc. through cell culture. Get ‘stem cells’. These are the cells that can make any type of cell.

The stem cells obtained from cow or goat are then placed in a bioreactor. The advantage of the bioreactor is that it provides a completely natural environment for the cells to grow. These cells are then fed all the required nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats , minerals, vitamins) are provided in the required quantity. Thus, in a given period, the stem cells grow and take the form of flesh.

In 2013, the first red meat was produced with the help of stem cells by Mark Post, a specialist in tissue engineering in the Netherlands. It was grilled and eaten in burgers.

Later, red meat began to be produced in laboratories. Finally, in 2020, Singapore became the first country in the world to allow the sale of laboratory-made red meat in the market. The shortage of this food should be removed in the state. Singapore has a population of 8,592 people per square kilometer. It is the second most densely populated country in the world after Monaco.

Estimate the severity of overcrowding as Pakistan has 312 people per square kilometer, while Australia has 44.3 people on the same area. Where did the land come from? During the last two years, the people of Singapore felt the lack of land very strongly. The reason is that during this time the prices of food reached the sky.

Even middle-class people cut back on eating out because they no longer have enough money to buy the foods they need. Singaporeans are making lifestyle changes to reduce their monthly food expenses.

Cellulose milk

Milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream etc. are made in the laboratory by another technique of cell culture. Cow, buffalo, goat milk is 87% water. The remaining 13% contains fat, protein, sugars and minerals.

Experts make milk proteins in bioreactors from yeast created by genetic engineering in the laboratory.

These proteins are then mixed with fat, sugar and minerals to make cellular milk. This milk is being produced in America, Great Britain, Australia and other developed countries. There, its popularity is increasing day by day.

Foods made with the help of cell culture may look similar to foods that exist in the natural environment, but they often taste different to people. Eating food.

Therefore, the taste changes psychologically, even if there is not much difference in reality. However, experts are looking for nutritional elements that bring the taste of all foods made from cell culture closer to the taste of natural food. Agricultural foods are produced from living cells and organisms.

Therefore, there is no evidence that they have caused any unique and novel harm to human health. The truth is that if a person follows an unhealthy lifestyle, eats junk food, sooner or later he becomes a victim of some disease or medical disorder.

In the same way, if a person adopts a healthy lifestyle and eats foods made from cellular agriculture, diseases will stay away.

Cellular agriculture can revolutionize a developing and poor country like Pakistan. Because thanks to this, the Pakistani people will be able to get abundant and cheap food. Look at this, now the poor in Pakistan can not buy meat, milk, eggs, onions, flour, etc. easily.

Most of the foods have become very expensive. If these foods are widely produced thanks to cell culture, even the poor will be able to buy them and enjoy life. At present, the foods produced by cell culture are very expensive. Only wealthy residents can afford it.

But the scientists are trying hard to come into existence of large and extensive factories that produce widely used foods such as meat, milk, chicken, eggs, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, red peppers, etc. The cost will increase and they will become cheaper. Theoretically, it is also possible to make grains, vegetables and fruits in a bioreactor.

Now it is possible to get several tons of wheat from a few seeds. Likewise, it is possible to produce large quantities of palm and canola seeds that produce cooking oil. Therefore, cell agriculture is a great revolution that will make the lives of mankind easier in the future. And will make it comfortable.

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