Time, space travel and fasting

Almost all the inspired religions of the world not only claim their authenticity but also claim to be eternal and eternal, while according to the Holy Quran, “the true religion in the sight of Allah is Islam only” and other religions There are altered, distorted or distorted forms of Islam itself.

Islam is not only a natural religion, but in its nature, “flexibility” has also been given. Flexibility means that if a person chooses instability or instability, it is his will, but in fact, flexibility means to adapt according to time and place and circumstances.

However, the inflexibility of some Muslim sections can be considered unnatural and anti-Islamic. An example of this can be Saudi Arabia which was once against women driving and now the so-called reforms are being implemented in the country.

This means that the decision of the state not to allow women to drive, which was not in accordance with the times, was not an Islamic decision but their own personal thought or some other so-called custom or belief. This thought can also be called gender discrimination or inattention and disbelief towards Islam.

If women can drive animals or vehicles with animals, then it is incomprehensible that their driving and riding motorcycles should be considered haram or illegitimate.

Recently, an interesting situation related to Zaman Vamkan has come to light. A citizen of the United Arab Emirates who is leaving for a six-month space mission on February 26. During this mission, Ramadan is also coming and the question is, why will he be able to fast in space?

In this regard, the astronaut Sultan Al-Niyadi has tried to answer according to his religious knowledge that: Since fasting is kept from sunrise to sunset, therefore, in his opinion, the terrestrial situation of sunrise and sunset in space will disappear.

Therefore, they are exempted from fasting. In addition, they will not be obliged to fast due to the fact that they are traveling, because fasting is not obligatory during the journey.

However, it should not be forgotten here that the missed fasts during the journey will be kept as qadha after the journey or it is necessary to pay expiation, while after a certain period the traveler performs all the acts of worship according to the people of his destination. will be obliged.

Astronaut Sultan Al Nayadi of the United Arab Emirates is leaving for the International Space Station on a Space Falcon 9 rocket on February 26, as Ramadan begins in the fourth week of March. “The space station rotates rapidly and completes one orbit around the Earth in 90 minutes,” he said at a news conference.

Thus, on an average, they will be able to witness the rising and setting of the sun sixteen times. However, if conditions permit, they will be able to fast according to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which is also the standard time of the space station.”

This is the longest and first space flight for 41-year-old Sultan Al Nayadi, who served in the UAE military for 20 years. He studied Electronics and Communication Engineering from UK and later did his PhD in Data Leakage Prevention Technology from Griffith University, Australia.

It should be noted that Sultan Al Nayadi is the second astronaut from the United Arab Emirates to go on a space journey. Earlier in September 2019, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates, Heza Al Mansoori, has also spent 8 days in the International Space Station.

Although Sultan al-Nyadi Bujoh exempts himself from fasting. However, before him, a Saudi prince, Prince Sultan bin Salman, had spent one day in a space mission of the American space shuttle Discovery during his space journey in 1985/1405 AH.

In this regard, he told Arab News in an interview, “I was told by Mufti Abdul Aziz bin Baz (deceased) that I should do Suhr and Iftaar according to the country where I left for travel.” And I started my journey from Florida, USA.

Coincidentally, it was the last fast. And that fast they broke the fast according to the setting of the sun in the American state. Sultan bin Salman also revealed the interesting fact that he prayed in space according to Earth time and used a wet napkin to perform ablution, as it is difficult to perform ablution in space due to the absence of gravity.

An interesting fact about these two Muslim astronauts is that Sultan is also part of their names.

And it is mentioned in verse 33 of Surah Rahman in the Qur’an: “O group of jinn and vans!” If you have the power to go out from the edges of the sky and the earth, then go out, and you cannot go out except by force (Sultan).

According to the demand of this verse, if one wants to go out of the boundaries of the earth and the sky, he needs strength. No one can go beyond these limits without attaining it.

It may not be out of place to mention here that there was a time when the earth was believed to be spotty, flat and level and a bull carried it on one of its horns.

When he gets tired and replaces the horn, it results in an earthquake. In the same period, in the 17th verse of the same Surah Rahman of the Holy Qur’an, “The Lord of both the East and the West” is mentioned.

In addition, in the fortieth verse of Surah al-Maaraj of the Holy Quran, Allah has sworn more than two “Mishariq and Maghrib”. It means that when man did not have any special knowledge about any other planet or solar system apart from the earth, even at that time, Maghrib and Masharik were being mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.

Although in the Holy Qur’an itself, humans have been told to subjugate the earth and the heavens, but at least in the present era, many Muslims, individually and collectively, are doing a lot of subjugation.

And currently, there are no signs that other serious human beings who come out of the limits of the earth can ever come out of the limits of the universe, because the age of man is also limited and so are the abilities. And the universe is not only infinite, but also expandable according to science and Quran’s verse 47 of Surah Zariat.

It is stated in the Holy Qur’an that, “We have created the sky and indeed We are expanding it”. And he understands well that the destination is still far away.

According to a website: “In fact, the Russian physicist and mathematician Alexander Friedman was the person who first proposed the hypothesis of the expansion of the universe in 1922, which was later developed on scientific grounds by Edwin Hubble in 1929. And finally in 1965, two American physicists ‘Arnopanzias’ and ‘Robert Wilson’ proved it.

These two scientists used to work in ‘Bellphone Laboratories’ located in the state of New Jersey in the United States of America, and were also honored with the Nobel Prize in 1978.

Similarly, according to Wikipedia, the Big Bang theory is also the theory of the expansion of the universe: about 13.8 billion years ago, the universe collapsed into a point and an explosion caused this point to explode and expand, causing so much energy. It was emitted that due to its effect, the universe continues to scatter and expand until today.

We want to narrate a story on this occasion, which is not fully remembered, according to this story, “Someone saw a person participating in a gathering silent and said, ‘Brother, why are you silent?’ Ask something, tell something.

He replied, “Sure, why not?” And then inquired, tell me, when should fasting be observed? Got the answer, when the sun is about to rise. More inquiries, and when to break the fast? The answer was received, when the sun sets, the Prophet then questioned, and if the sun does not set? The gentleman who insisted on speaking on this question suggested, sir! You stay quiet. Silence is better for you.

Regarding this story, we understand that even though it was considered strange and foolish to ask this kind of question in this era, but it is an important jurisprudence in the present era? There is a problem because there are many regions of the world where the sun either rises and sets very quickly or at intervals of twenty or twenty hours or at intervals of months and the people of these regions have confusions and problems regarding the acts of worship such as prayer and fasting. are victims of And people of different regions have adopted different methods for prayer and fasting.

Regarding the above story and the sun’s rotation and rising and setting, we believe that the people of knowledge and wisdom should not ignore the words of any simple-minded person and consider them as fools and fools, but rather, according to their mind, they should will also satisfy him and himself by thinking according to the assumption or the assumed situation, because even the wisest person cannot understand or solve every thing and every problem and many times someone’s foolish talk, adventures or myths. It has also led to human development and evolution.

Instead of trying to bring each other down, we should try to subdue the universe. And thus one should make life easier for oneself and people. It is a pity that in today’s era, as a nation and a nation, we have become only a consumer of the world and apart from a few sectors of agriculture and industry, our products or production is limited to Pakistanis and food items.

From needles to planets (or rocket science), we as a nation and nation depend on most others. We have to change this attitude.

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