Lahore: A case has been registered for making semi-nude pictures of women in a beauty parlorLahore: A case has been registered for making semi-nude pictures of women in a beauty parlor

Lahore: The first case under PICA Act was registered in Lahore for making semi-nude pictures of female customers in a beauty parlour.

A case has been registered against the owner of a beauty parlor in Nawab Town for taking indecent pictures of two girls, both of whom had gone to Areba Shafiq Beauty Parlor for skin polishing.

Rukhsana, the owner of the beauty parlor, took semi-nude pictures of the two girls during the skin polishing with her mobile phone.

According to the FIR, semi-nude pictures of several girls coming to the parlor were recovered from the mobile phone of the owner of the beauty parlor.

Accused Rukhsana also shared all the pictures in various WhatsApp groups. Cyber ​​Crime Unit Lahore registered a case in Nawab Town police station after completion of investigation.

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