In China, Covid has again sounded the alarm, with 80 percent of the population infected

In China, there is a fear of a return of the dangerous wave of Covid-19 in the next two to three months, while 80% of the people of the country have been affected by the virus.

According to the news agency Reuters, the head of China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Wu Zunyu, said on the social media platform Weibo that the epidemic could spread due to the large-scale movement of people during the New Year holiday. A new wave of Covid-19 is unlikely.

During these annual holidays, millions of Chinese citizens will visit different parts of the country for vacations and sightseeing, and due to this, the spread of the epidemic has been raised.

An official of the National Health Commission said that the peak of the epidemic in the country has passed and as of January 12, around 60,000 people have died from this epidemic across the country.

However, despite these figures, experts believe that the number of deaths due to Covid is much higher than the government data because it does not include those who died at home and also several doctors say that they were instructed to It was said that the cause of death of those who died in the hospital should not be disclosed.

According to reports, millions of Chinese traveled by train and bus for the holiday on Friday, raising fears of a new wave of Covid-19.

According to local media, Vice Premier Sun Chunlin said the rate of spread of the virus was slowing and hospital officials said the number of patients in hospitals and intensive care wards was continuing to decline.

According to government data, China’s busiest time of the year for travel is a conservative estimate of 2 billion people moving from one place to another between January 7 and February 15.

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In China, Covid has again sounded the alarm, with 80 percent of the population infected

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