Does salt also produce sugar?

Modern medicine has brought out more harmful health aspects of salt. Photo: File

It is known to all that by consuming too much sugar, a person becomes a victim of type 2 diabetes.

Now, experts from the Tulane University in the United States have discovered that men who eat more salt daily, are also more likely to suffer from diseases like diabetes than those who eat less salt. The reason is that eating too much salt makes a person prone to a medical condition called “high blood glucose”. This condition is termed as “Hyperglycemia”.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by high blood glucose, also known as sugar. It is as if modern medicine has warned man that he should use both salt and sugar in his daily meals in moderation, otherwise dangerous diseases may catch him prematurely and make it difficult to live.

Importance of salt

Salt is a mineral. It is obtained from rocks or sea water. A tablespoon of salt contains 60% chloride and 40% sodium. This is the most abundant gift of God’s nature to man. One is because salt makes our food taste bad. Both chemical elements that form other salts are essential to sustain human life. This means that if sodium or chloride deficiency occurs in the human body, the person may die. Salt was used as currency in ancient times. Hence the English word for salary, salary, comes from the Latin word for salt (sal).

Chloride and sodium together help to maintain the correct amount, pressure and composition of blood and water in our body. They also maintain the balance of acid and alkali in the body. These chemical elements ensure communication between our nerve cells (neurons). It is with their help that our muscles are able to move. Both of them perform many other functions at the cellular level through which the entire machinery of our body continues to carry out its responsibilities properly. Chloride must be included in the liquids found in our stomach. These liquids grind and digest food.

Lack of salt

If there is a lack of chloride in the human body, the person becomes a victim of a medical disorder called “Hypochloremia”. Likewise, with a lack of sodium, a person suffers from a disorder called “hyponatremia”. Suffering from these two medical disorders, a person experiences fever, fatigue, headache, muscle spasms, difficulty in breathing, confusion, body inflammation, physical weakness and edema. If the lack of salt continues, a person may die. This is because the brain’s fluids become unbalanced due to the absence of salt, killing it.

How much salt should be eaten?

In the past, medical experts said that an adult should consume one teaspoon of salt daily so that he gets both the important chemical elements and does not suffer from the medical problems caused by their deficiency. One teaspoon of salt contains 2300 mg. Recently, however, the American Heart Association has announced that one teaspoon of salt per day is too much. A person should eat only 1500 mg of salt per day. It seems that now the daily amount of salt has become a little more than half a teaspoon. Eating too much salt can cause health problems.

Humans get more than half a teaspoon of salt by eating different foods every day. Therefore, deficiency of both elements (sodium and chloride) in the body usually does not occur. However, if someone starts dieting to lose weight, he should make sure that he eats half a teaspoon of salt every day anyway. In this way, he will continue to get the required elements, otherwise he will suffer from the medical problems associated with sodium and chloride deficiency.

A dangerous practice

If people start eating more salt every day, for example, ten or two teaspoons, then this is a dangerous practice. The reason is that when there is an excess of salt in the body, a person feels thirsty and he drinks more water, so that with the help of excess water, the kidneys can excrete excess salt through urine. It is a natural process that is carried out by the command of the mind. It apparently protects man from the disorders arising from excess of salt.

The formation of high blood pressure

But there is a downside to this natural process. That is, by drinking more water, naturally our blood also gets excess water. This means that the amount of blood also increases. However, the first disadvantage of this excess is that our heart has to work harder to pump all the blood to the corners of the body. Another disadvantage is that the pressure on the blood vessels increases and they dilate unnaturally. This is a medical disorder known as “high blood pressure” or “hypertension”.

High blood pressure is a very dangerous medical condition because its effects are usually not apparent. It is known only when a person gets his blood pressure checked. This disease has the power to damage the most important organs of the human body… brain, heart and kidneys. That is why it is called a destructive disease. And salt also has a prominent role in giving birth to it as highlighted by the above facts.

Disturbances in the hormonal system

What does salt have to do with type 2 diabetes? And does salt cause this deadly disease? The latest medical research has revealed that salt does not directly but indirectly cause type 2 diabetes. The reason is that when a person eats more salt, “Glucocorticoids” start to form in his body.

These are steroid hormones produced in the human body. They play an important role in making glucose (sugar) in every organism which is the main source of energy for every living thing. In the human body, when the amount of ‘glucocorticoids’ increases by eating more salt, they naturally start making more glucose. If salt intake is low, glucocorticoids naturally also make less glucose.

In this way, the amount of glucose in the blood also increases. If a person continues to eat more salt, glucocorticoids are also produced more. And they make more glucose while doing their natural role. Our pancreas lowers the amount of glucose in the blood by releasing a hormone called insulin. But due to constant salt and overeating, the amount of glucose in the blood rises to such an extent that insulin cannot lower it despite its best efforts. Then type II diabetes occurs and the person gradually starts to get caught up in it. In this disease, the insulin releasing system from the pancreas is also damaged and the glucose level in the blood cannot be balanced.

Metabolic syndrome

If a person is fat, especially his stomach and hips have layers of fat. Others have high blood pressure. Third, the level of sugar in his blood is constantly high. So it will be said that the unfortunate person having these three conditions is caught in “metabolic syndrome”. There are two other conditions of this medical disorder: a decrease in the amount of good cholesterol in the blood, i.e. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and an increase in the level of unhealthy fats (triglycerides) in the blood.

A person caught in metabolic syndrome is prone to heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and liver disease. This condition makes the man sexually ineffective. A woman also suffers from infertility. The only way to get rid of this medical disorder is to eat less. Eliminate salt and sugar. Exercise to lose weight. Include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Eat meat in moderation. Do not take any kind of drugs including smoking.

It is clear from the above facts that every person should pay particular attention to how much salt he is consuming daily. Our body needs salt because this mineral helps our machinery to carry out important bodily functions. But eating too much salt and eating too little… these two practices are medically harmful for us. So eat salt in moderation and keep yourself healthy, which is the most valuable wealth in the world. Thousands of years ago, the Buddha said: “It is the duty of every man to maintain good physical health, otherwise he will not be able to keep his mind strong and clear.”

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Does salt also produce sugar?

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