Like cigarettes, meat warnings help fight climate change

Durham: Researchers have claimed that pictorial warnings of climate and health risks on meat products can reduce meat consumption.

A team from Durham University has created labels that carry warning messages. These labels read ‘Caution! Eating meat can contribute to climate change’ and the warning is accompanied by an image of a barren area.

The study found that the label discouraged people from choosing meat-based foods and that adoption of the method could reduce people’s choices by seven to 10 percent.

According to Jack Hughes, author of the study, the warning has led to reductions in smoking, sugary drinks and alcohol consumption. If this warning label on meat products is adopted as a national policy, it can help reduce consumption to zero.

About 1,000 carnivores participated in the study. In the study, they were shown pictures of canteen dishes. The foods were presented with warnings about climate change, health or global pandemics, and participants were asked how alarming and credible they found the information.

The researchers said all labels were discouraging in food choices, but most people were in favor of the weather warning.

It should be noted that the independent Climate Change Committee (which advises the British government) has recommended that the government reduce meat and dairy consumption by 20 percent by 2030.

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Like cigarettes, meat warnings help fight climate change

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