Diabetics prefer blueberries among fruits

My country: Nutritionists advise diabetics to prefer blueberries over other fruits.

According to a nutritionist specializing in diabetes, this fruit has the lowest risk of dangerous blood sugar spikes compared to other fruits.

In this disease, the human body cannot produce enough insulin (a hormone that converts food into energy). As a result, the amount of glucose in the blood increases and then due to this, the amount of blood sugar increases, which leads to several health complications.

Jocelyn Loren of the University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center explains why she recommends blueberries to her diabetes patients.

Fiber-rich blueberries can help prevent blood sugar spikes, according to Jocelyn. The fiber in fruits slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream.

One cup of blueberries contains about 3.6 grams of fiber, compared to 3.1 grams of fiber per cup of apples. Apples are slightly higher in fiber, but blueberries have 4 grams less sugar than apples.

He said that due to the low amount of calories, consuming large amounts of blueberries has a very low chance of weight gain unlike other fruits.

Blueberries are rich in many health benefits. These ingredients include fiber, vitamins C and K, and manganese. Manganese is the main component that helps to keep bone and tissue in the body together and solves the problem of blood clotting.

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Diabetics prefer blueberries among fruits

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