If you want to achieve your goals, stay angry

Texas: Experts believe that angry people strive more effectively to achieve their goals.

In a study conducted on 233 students at Texas A&M University, they were shown pictures that were either neutral or that evoked feelings of happiness, sadness, desire, or anger, for example. Humiliating the students’ varsity football team, etc.

Later, the students were given 20 minutes to solve anagrams in which they had to find real words.

Meanwhile, when people were angry, their rate of solving anagrams correctly was 39 percent higher. The researchers also found that these individuals tried harder to solve difficult anagrams rather than giving up.

However, another experiment found angry people cheating during a test.

Professor Heather Lynch, who led the research, said that people often believe that the feeling of happiness is ideal and the majority believe that the pursuit of happiness is the main purpose of life.

The idea that positive emotions are conducive to mental health and well-being is important for the psychological aspects of emotions, but previous research suggests that a mix of emotions (including negative emotions such as anger) leads to the best outcomes, he said. happens.

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If you want to achieve your goals, stay angry

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