California: Instant messaging application WhatsApp is working on a feature that will automatically delete voice notes after they are sent.
According to a report by WhatsApp Beta Info, these voice notes can be played only once after being sent and cannot be forwarded or saved.
The report said that this feature will provide a new layer of security to users’ private and sensitive information and will greatly reduce the chances of voice notes being eavesdropped by unrelated parties or later replayed.
WhatsApp, a subsidiary of Metta, already has a privacy-conscious ‘view once’ feature for videos and photos, whereby the recipient of the message can view the message only once.
Now WhatsApp Beta Info has marked the trial of ‘Send One’s Voice Note’ feature in the latest version of WhatsApp Beta released for Android and iOS.
According to the posted screenshot, this new feature can be seen while recording a voice note in the chat bar.
After selecting this option the voice note can be sent in ‘View Once’ mode.
However, no final date has been announced by WhatsApp regarding the introduction of the feature.
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