How to lower cholesterol levels in the body, 6 easy ways

The level of bad cholesterol (HDL) has become normal in all age groups. When the level of cholesterol in our body increases, it can pave the way for various health complications.

Excess cholesterol can build up in our arteries and narrow the blood vessels. This narrowing restricts blood flow, which greatly increases the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Maintaining and managing cholesterol levels within a healthy range is very important. In a recent post on the social networking site, nutritionist Lonit Batra offered practical tips on how to lower cholesterol levels, including quitting smoking, consuming healthy fats and exercising regularly. All these help in effectively regulating and reducing cholesterol levels.

Simple Tips from Experts to Lower Cholesterol Levels

1) Choose healthy fats

2) Boost the amount of fiber in your diet

3) Add Omega-3 rich foods to your diet

4) Stay active with regular exercise

5) Manage your weight healthily

6) Quit smoking completely

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How to lower cholesterol levels in the body, 6 easy ways

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