Kids who exercise can handle tough times, study finds

Basel: According to a recent study, children who exercise regularly can cope with any kind of stress easily.

Researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland have reported in a study that school children are better able to cope with stress if they get enough daily exercise.

‘Exercise!’ This is a piece of advice that adults often hear when it comes to helping relieve stress. But does this also apply to children? Does exercise help children manage school stress?

A research team led by Dr. Manuel Henk and Dr. Sebastien Ludiga from the Department of Sport, Exercise and Health recently examined the effects of physical activity on stress levels in children. The research results have been published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports.

The researchers recruited 110 children aged 10 to 13 for the study who had to wear a sensor that tracked their daily movements for a week. A few years later, researchers tested their physical stress response by measuring the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva, and found that children who surfed daily for some time during exercise or other physical activity had Compared to other children, the ability to cope with any type of stress was higher.

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Kids who exercise can handle tough times, study finds

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