Sajjad Ali's alleged sister's video, singer's explanatory statement surfaced

Karachi: Pakistan’s famous singer Sajjad Ali in his explanatory statement has strongly rejected the beggar woman’s claim that she is the singer’s sister.

The singer has released two videos on Twitter in which he is seen saying that the woman is not related to me, she is neither my sister nor my cousin but it is a fake drama.

Sajjad Ali said that some time ago I had a fake marriage, on which my wife and children got angry. He said that people do this for cheap fame and our less knowledgeable social media users start spreading these fake news.

The singer said that such actions do not harm my reputation as I have been in the industry for 43 years.

Sajjad Ali said that he will not take any legal action against the woman because she looks like a poor woman who is talking about seducing people.

Also read: ‘I am Sajjad Ali’s sister’: Claims of a woman living a life of servitude

Recently, a video went viral on social media in which a woman was allegedly called Sajjad Ali’s sister, after which the singer was being criticized on some social media.

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Sajjad Ali's alleged sister's video, singer's explanatory statement surfaced

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