Some secrets related to sleep

Maryam Altaf

A happy mood requires restful sleep. In today’s age, life has become so fast that there is no chance to relax. There is always a commotion around.

Night time, is the only time in which there is little rest and man can spend some moments with himself. But in these comfortable moments, there are some secrets that have not been revealed yet. Have you ever slept in your life feeling like something heavy has been placed on top of you and you can’t move at all? This is called sleep paralysis. Everyone feels it sometime in life, but most people are neither aware of its name nor its causes.

There are four stages of sleep, with the first stage starting five to ten minutes after you lie down. This stage sometimes feels as if we are falling from a height and a severe type of jerk is felt which is termed as Hypnic Jerk.

60 to 70 percent of people experience it in their lifetime and are often scared of it, but according to scientists there is no need to be afraid of it. When our muscles go from the active stage to the resting stage, our brain receives a message that we may have fallen from a height.

The reasons for this are still not fully understood, but scientists have pointed out some factors: Hypnic Jerk is felt by people who exercise before going to bed at night or those who have problems during the day. Or suffer from mental stress. Similarly, people who consume a lot of tea or coffee also fall victim to it.

It does not harm our health, but at that time, a person is afraid that what has happened to him. It appears that this is only his personal experience but if you ask your friends and family, they must have felt this at some point in their lives.

In the second stage of sleep, your body becomes completely calm, the heart rate slows down and the body temperature also starts to decrease. This stage prepares you for deep sleep. Now the third stage is deep sleep. This stage is the most important as you go into deep sleep.

This is the stage in which your immunity increases, but in this we also experience ‘sleep paralysis’. During sleep paralysis, your body becomes completely still and that beautiful, peaceful sleep is shattered. It feels as if something heavy has been placed on you. You want to get up, run and call someone, but there is nothing we can do.

From the Islamic point of view, it is said that at this time, one should recite Durood Sharif and more azkar because it is caused by the jinn called al-Qabous.

Different stories about ‘sleep paralysis’ are popular in every culture. But according to science, it is a state of disconnection between mind and body for some time. There is no definitive cause yet, but it is associated with stress, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, not sleeping on time, etc.

The solution is to read Ayat al-Kursi before going to sleep, reduce caffeine consumption, sleep with a crotch and turn off your mobile phone an hour before going to sleep, so that you can sleep on time and your mind too. Can calm down for a while.

Today’s youth spend most of the night using mobile phones, which has led to dark circles around the eyes and an irritable mood. Eight hours of restful sleep is essential for a good day. Similarly, you can stay healthy physically and mentally.

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Some secrets related to sleep

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