Pakistani filmmaker Mehroz Amin's debut film has received international recognition

Karachi: Pakistani filmmaker Mehrooz Amin’s debut feature film ‘Jag: Pieces of Life’ won international acclaim and his film will premiere at the Australian Muslim Film Festival.

The premiere at the Australian Muslim Film Festival is not only a success for Mehroz Amin, but it has also given the Pakistani film industry a new identity in the global scene.

The main theme of the film is the re-connection of a man surrounded by material desires with God, in which he has to undergo a process of self-realization.

‘Jag: Pieces of Life’ shows the hurdles a man has to overcome when he tries to connect with his Lord.

It is to be noted that this is a historic occasion that an independent Muslim feature film has received the honor of premiering at the prestigious festival in Australia.

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Pakistani filmmaker Mehroz Amin's debut film has received international recognition

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