Inexpensive gingivitis detection device developed

University of Cincinnati professor Andrew Stickle with his invention that can identify the common gum disease gingivitis in minutes. Photo: University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati: Gingivitis is also a common cause of gingivitis and now a simple tool has been developed to identify the bacteria that cause it.

The kit correctly identifies the disease-causing Porphyra monas genivillus bacteria, developed over years by University of Cincinnati professor Andrew Stickle and his colleagues. In this way, patients will not need to go to the hospital for expensive tests.

It should be noted that gingivitis is a common disease in which the gums become inflamed and swollen. As the severity of the disease increases, the teeth start falling out and if this germ gets into the blood, it also causes heart diseases and other diseases. This is the reason why it becomes very important to identify this disease in the first stage.
This simple device can identify bacteria from human saliva samples. It contains special chemical ingredients that identify the endotoxins present in the mouth from the ‘Porphyra monas geniivus bacteria’.

Inexpensive gingivitis detection device developed

But this task was not so easy because there are many other chemical components and molecules inside the mouth. These include a variety of natural proteins, ‘amylase’. These amylases can interfere with sensor results, making identification difficult. Then after further research the problem was solved.

Currently it is in experimental stages which is similar to a strip of paper. When saliva is applied to it, two lines of different colors appear, indicating bacteria. Otherwise a line will appear. However, the general availability of this important invention may take a few years. Experts will test it on humans first.
The research was recently published in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journal ‘Sensors’.

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Inexpensive gingivitis detection device developed

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