Eat dates, stay healthy and energetic

Due to its nutritional content, dates have earned the status of a complete food. Photo: File

London: Humans have been eating dates for thousands of years, and they still rank as the most popular energy-dense fruit. Experts have further researched and presented innumerable benefits of dates. It protects against many diseases and compensates for nutritional deficiencies.

Vitamins and nutrition

Dates are a treasure trove of vitamins with a total of six vitamins. It is low in vitamin C but high in vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), nicotinic acid and vitamin A. It contains fibrous components while potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium and other important minerals are also present. Also there are sugars containing glucose and fructose.

This is why dates provide instant energy and increase the feeling of fullness. Arabic doctors have declared it as a complete food on the same basis.

Alison Tepper, a Washington, D.C.-based nutritionist, says that eating dates in the morning can help keep you energized and full throughout the day.


Dates are rich in antioxidants that prevent damage and deterioration at the cellular level. Antioxidant foods also protect us from internal inflammation, heart disease and cancer.

A somewhat older study shows that antioxidants called polyphenols in dates protect against chemical diabetes, neurodegeneration and cancer. Then due to the fiber, dates make the whole digestive system strong.

According to Dr. Allison, fiber relieves indigestion, gas and constipation and helps digest food.

Dates and cardiovascular health

Due to its antioxidants and fiber, dates are a heart-healthy fruit. Several studies have shown that eating dates helps keep cholesterol in check, which can reduce the risk of blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

According to nutritionist Professor Anderson Hines, the potassium and magnesium present in dates keep the heart energized and protected from diseases.

Pregnant women must eat

Professor Andron Hines says that women should consume more dates during pregnancy. According to a study conducted in 2017, eating dates reduces labor pain and maternal interval. Earlier, another study from 2014 suggests that the ingredients in dates, during childbirth, create movements in the muscles of the mother’s uterus, which makes delivery easier.

A sugar substitute

According to experts, dates and chawhars should be considered as substitutes for sugar and can be used as sugar in many works. They can be added to cakes, biscuits and other ingredients to enhance the natural sweetness. Dates have very low glycemic index.

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Eat dates, stay healthy and energetic

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