TB infection can be reduced by 50% with proper diet

A proper and balanced diet can reduce the fatality of TB by 50%. Photo: File

Cape Town: Despite all the medical advances, TB (tuberculosis) patients are still present in the world, while it is a major medical challenge in Pakistan. Experts have presented more evidence of this.

The first research comes from a pilot program in India called rations. It noted the effects of dietary supplements in several people with pulmonary TB in India. The result came out that it helped a lot in eliminating TB effect and infection.

Earlier, experts have warned that inadequate diet and poor diet weakens the body’s internal defense system. Thus the attack of TB increases. On the other hand, TB infection can be reduced with proper diet.

Another study in this regard has been conducted by Stellenbosch University in South Africa. According to him, 1.6 million people died of TB in Africa alone in 2021. Then it was also known that there are millions of cases that if these patients are given a balanced and proper diet, the effect of TB can be reduced.

This is why we have to work on more than one strategy to prevent TB. The study opened a dedicated TB clinic in South Africa where the emphasis was on diet.

In this, more than 10,000 homes were examined where more than 2,800 patients of pulmonary TB were present. All the patients were given a monthly ten kg bag containing rice, pulses, fine oil, dry milk and vitamin tablets. Most patients used them for six months.

The results suggest that the balanced diet worked as a vaccine against TB because households that were given the rations had very few new cases of TB. In this way, it was found that if proper diet is given even for a few months, up to 50% can be saved from the attack of TB.

It should be noted that a proper diet also protects against other diseases, including anaemia, respiratory diseases and diarrhoea, but TB was the target of the study. It also found that in the first two months of the diet poor people gained weight and the death rate from TB decreased by 60%, which is a significant improvement. Even feeding for six months continuously showed very good results.

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TB infection can be reduced by 50% with proper diet

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