Mobile screen when the eyes get tired

Rizwan got so addicted to sitting in front of the mobile phone that he became careless even with food and drink.

The family kept shouting that he should eat something, but he was engrossed in the internet or stuck to games. Excess of everything sooner or later definitely brings color, so Rizwan’s head and eyes started to have constant pain. Usually dizziness also occurs.

He was taken to the doctor, and after the initial medical examination, he surprised everyone by telling that the disease was caused by the mobile screen. Is.

Nowadays, millions of people use mobile phones, computers, laptops, etc., so the related eye diseases are increasing. Experts have given it the collective name of “Computer Vision Syndrome”. Ophthalmologists now see hundreds of patients suffering from conjunctivitis or brachial nerve stiffness.

Computer-related eye diseases began in the 1980s. Due to the change in modern technology, there have been minor changes in them too. According to experts, every year fifty to ninety million people in the world come to ophthalmologists with eyes damaged due to mobile phones or computers. Forty years ago, this number was only fifteen lakhs.

Experts say that people who regularly sit in front of the screen for more than four hours a day and do not take precautions, they may suffer from some kind of eye disorder. The experts of Bosch and Lomb, a famous company that manufactures glasses, claim that six million people damage their eyes every year due to mobile and computer screens.

A common disease

According to experts, digital eye strain is the most common complaint. Then comes blurred vision, dry eyes and headaches. People usually consult a doctor when headaches are persistent.

Cures for ‘computer vision disorder’ are currently being sought. The question is, what is the culprit that causes this disease? It depends on various factors. For example, many people do not sit properly in front of the screen, some people have uncomfortable seats and some have old monitors that emit more harmful radiation. The disease is actually caused by the overall sitting environment, work habits and viewing conditions.

Repetitive stress trauma

Computer vision disorder is basically a “repetitive stress injury”. In this condition, the eye muscles get stressed because they are repeatedly focused on numbers, images, etc. appearing on the screen. Pixels on a mobile or computer screen don’t actually have the same contrast that a printed page does. That is why the eyes have to work harder to see something on the screen.

The strange thing is that the most pressure on the eyes is when one is engrossed in his work, because when a person is staring at something like a computer screen, he blinks less.

Humans blink twenty-two times per minute in everyday working conditions. If you read a book, this number is reduced to half. A normal person blinks only seven times a minute while sitting in front of a mobile or computer. As a result, the eyes become dry and painful as blinking expands the water in the eyes and keeps them moist and fresh.

Ophthalmologists advise to avoid eye diseases and headaches by following a three-point plan while sitting in front of a mobile or computer screen…blink, take deep breaths and take a break. Breathing is very important during work so that the eyes get oxygen. Take frequent naps and work breaks.

In this context, the principle of ‘twenty by twenty’ is useful i.e. take a break every twenty minutes and look at an object twenty feet away for twenty seconds. In this way the eyes get rest and they do not suffer any damage.

Remember, if one has bad eyes, using mobile and computer screens can make them worse. In particular, those who cannot see things clearly have more difficulty. In humans, this disorder occurs with increasing age. Poor lighting and incorrect monitor positioning also cause eye strain.

In this regard, it is a common observation that the screen is higher or lower than the viewing surface. Experts say that the middle level of the screen should be four to five inches below the eyes.

When the eyes look down a little, not only do they work better, but there is less stress on them. If the screen is placed so that you have to lift your neck to see, it puts a strain on the nerves in the shoulders and neck. As a result, the pressure on the eyes increases.

Buy a good monitor

Special types of spectacles are now available in the market to prevent eye diseases, but it is important to use spectacles only after consulting a qualified doctor. According to experts, instead of buying glasses, it is better to buy a good type of monitor with a low flicker rate because high flickering of the screen makes the eyes tired.

The second thing is to keep the monitor at least twenty to thirty inches away from the eyes. Similarly, keep the mobile screen at least sixteen inches away from your face. The reason is that when the screen is close to the face, our eyes have to struggle more to focus.

Get a medical examination

Many people do not know the fact that many eye disorders are also related to mobile phones or computers. If you experience headaches or eye pain while looking at the screen, it is better to change your work environment and get an eye examination by a specialist immediately.

The eye is a very sensitive organ and man does eighty percent of his work through it. So take care of them regularly – they are a great blessing.

Which monitor is better?

Those who feel eye pain while looking at the computer screen should buy a good monitor. After the invention of large screen monitors, middle-aged and elderly people have become much easier.

The best type of monitor is one that has a vibration rate (or refresh rate) of sixty cycles per second (i.e. sixty hertz). This means that the screen vibrates sixty times per second to keep itself fresh. The rate of vibration is seventy to eighty five hertz.

Useful tips

Here are some tips for good vision health, especially for those who suffer from eye diseases and cannot afford expensive monitors or glasses. The first advice in this regard is to take a break at least after twenty minutes during work so that there is less strain on the eyes. Others are:

After keeping your gaze fixed on the screen for two hours, make sure to take a break of fifteen minutes.

Blink frequently to keep your eyes moist.

If the eyes are painful and dry, pour water in them.

Try not to reflect the light of the bulb tube or window on the screen. Place the bulbs on the other side and cover the window. However, there should be light in the room while using a mobile or computer. Watching the screen in the dark increases the pressure on the eyes.

Place the monitor in such a way that its middle part is four to five inches below the eye level and twenty to thirty inches away.

Keep the screen background white and characters (numbers, icons, etc.) black. Do not keep the background dark and dark.

*… Keep the contrast consistent for maximum resolution.

*… keep the text (text) big so that if necessary, you can read it even from a distance.

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Mobile screen when the eyes get tired

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