Comparing in relationships makes them weak, Fatima Khan

Famous Pakistani comedian, host, actor and former singer Ahmed Ali Butt and his wife and former actress Fatima Khan told married couples, especially men, the secret of living a peaceful life.

Recently Ahmed Ali Butt and his wife Fatima Khan appeared as guests in the morning show of a private channel.

Talking to the participants of the program, he advised married couples, especially men, not to compare any two relationships, if this happens, life becomes difficult and it can have negative effects on the personality of the wives. .

Addressing the married men, Fatima Khan said that do not complain to your wives that she does not manage the house like your mother, does not do housework like her or does not cook like her, because it will harm the relationship. Hatreds and distances arise in me.

He added that comparisons in any relationship, not just as a mother and a wife, weaken him. Even comparing your children is wrong.

Fatima Khan also said that if you want to compare your wife’s skills with your mother, compare her with the time when your mother was newly married, how she handled everything at that time.

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Comparing in relationships makes them weak, Fatima Khan

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