After Gorilla Now Line Glass: 10 times stronger than conventional glass

American experts have created the world’s strongest glass called Line Glass, which is environmentally friendly and ten times stronger than conventional glass and has resistance to scratches. Photo: Courtesy of University of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania: American experts have developed a new type of glass that is environmentally friendly and ten times stronger and safer than conventional glass.

Pennsylvania State University experts have named it ‘line glass’, which uses 50% less carbon dioxide than traditional soda-lime silicate glass. This is the reason why it is also eco-friendly glass, secondly it consumes less energy in its production. Scientists have applied for its patent.

John Morrow, associated with the University’s Department of Materials Science, said that line glass is environmentally friendly and has a low melting point. In contrast, soda lime silicate glass is made by melting quartz sand, soda ash, and limestone. This process releases an inordinate amount of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas and is causing global warming.

Line glass melts at 300 to 400 degrees Celsius, reducing the energy required to make it by 30%. This glass is scratch and chip resistant with ten times more durability than conventional glass. Hence, it can play an important role in smartphone and other sensitive technology. It can be used in many applications including medical technology, fiber optics, vaccines and pharmaceutical vials.

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After Gorilla Now Line Glass: 10 times stronger than conventional glass

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