Turkey; 104 hours later, man reciting from the rubble was found alive

The 45-year-old man kept reciting despite being buried in the rubble, Photo: File

A man buried under the rubble in Turkey was pulled out alive after 104 hours with the bright verses of the Holy Quran continuing on his tongue.

According to the World News Agency, the death toll in the earthquake in Turkey has reached close to 20,000 and bodies are still being found.

In one such incident, a 47-year-old man was pulled alive from the wreckage after 104 hours. When the rescue personnel reached him after removing the debris, his eyes were closed and he was busy reciting the Holy Quran despite being badly buried in the debris.

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Rescue personnel safely extricated the 47-year-old man and took him to hospital, where he is being treated. Doctors say that the said person’s condition is out of danger.

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Turkey; 104 hours later, man reciting from the rubble was found alive

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