Indian Navy has become a burden on Indian people, 26 major accidents since 2000

New Delhi: The Indian Navy has become a burden on the Indian people, since 2000, the Indian Navy has suffered 26 major accidents.

According to the details, the Indian newspaper has opened the poll of the performance of the Indian Navy, the report of India Today said that the Indian Navy loses 1 warship every 5 years due to negligence.

The report revealed that the Indian Navy loses a trained officer or man every 2 years, most of the accidents are due to captain’s negligence, substandard, and inadequate training, in 11 accidents in 7 months of 2014. 21 officers and men of the navy were killed.

According to the report, on March 8, 2023, an Indian Navy helicopter sank and destroyed in the Arabian Sea, on January 18, 2022, 3 sailors were killed as a result of an explosion on INS Ranveer, and in October 2017, the only Indian nuclear submarine accident occurred due to negligence. Became a victim.

The report states that in February 2014, seven sailors lost their lives in a fire in the Indian submarine Sindhurtana, which led to the resignation of Indian Naval Chief DK Joshi.

Pakistan has tracked down submarines 4 times in 6 years and has put the proof of Indian Navy’s performance in front of the world. Looking at this situation, the Indian people are questioning whether the Indian army, which is prone to accidents, can fight against China or Pakistan. will


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Indian Navy has become a burden on Indian people, 26 major accidents since 2000

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