Last Friday of 1444 Hijri, millions of people attended the prayer in the Haram Sharifeen

The surrounding streets, including Masjid al-Haram, were also full of worshippers: Photo: Social Media

Mecca: On the last Friday of the Islamic year 1444 Hijri, millions of children of Tawheed, including pilgrims, performed Friday prayers in Masjid al-Haram and Masjid Nabawi (peace be upon him).

According to Arab media, Hani Haider, spokesperson of the Haramin Sharif administration, said in a statement that special arrangements including security were made for the last Friday of 1444 Hijri. Entrance gates were opened for worshipers and electronic escalators were arranged to transport worshipers to different destinations. On this occasion, all the floors of Masjid al-Haram were filled with worshippers.

The spokesman further said that 11 smart robots sprayed disinfectants to keep worshipers safe from pollution while water spray was also arranged to keep the weather pleasant.

The worshipers had started reaching the Haramin Sharif from early in the morning to offer the last Friday prayer of Hijri. The courtyard of Masjid Nabawi and the surrounding streets and corridors of commercial centers were also filled with worshipers.

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Last Friday of 1444 Hijri, millions of people attended the prayer in the Haram Sharifeen

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