Chicken feed  - Express Urdu

At every Eid-ul-Adha, we are reminded to eat meat in moderation and in proportion and at proper intervals between these meals, because even if you are perfectly healthy, such immoderation can lead to digestive problems. can suffer from

According to medical experts, one should not eat more than 250 grams of red meat a day. Physicians advise that on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, one should use salad, curd and lemon with meat to keep the diet balanced and proportionate.

Meat provides the human body with various vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B, iron, zinc and phosphorus. But its excessive and continuous use can also cause cholesterol, uric acid, high blood pressure and heart diseases.

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, new meat dishes are made and then the precautions of the whole year are forgotten and eaten. Meat is not digested quickly so do not be careless while eating it. Meat is very useful for health, but too much of it is harmful to health.

High consumption of meat on the occasion of Eid al-Adha can be harmful for people with high blood pressure, as the high amount of protein in meat increases the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Asthma patients should also limit their consumption of red meat, as red meat requires more oxygen to digest, so it can cause respiratory problems.

These days hot chilli flakes are more popular which is not very good for children and elderly people. It is often said to us, ‘Eid has come after a year, what is the use if you still don’t eat meat?’ You should eat meat, of course, but in moderation. And try not to use market spices as they are too spicy and hazardous to health due to chemicals.

We have a custom to freeze meat for several weeks on various festivals. Meat that has been frozen for too long loses its nutrients and becomes unhealthy. Therefore, one should try to cook the meat of Eid-ul-Adha as soon as possible and freeze the same amount which will be consumed in a few days.

According to experts, meat should not be stored for more than about ten days, and should be consumed fresh and not taken out of the freezer for long periods of time as bacteria start to grow in it. Freezing for more than a week destroys protein and other vitamins etc. from the meat.

After that, it is still meat, but the natural benefits are gone. So it should be used as soon as possible.

Before cooking the meat, it should be washed very well and the fat attached to it should be cleaned. After that, keep it for some time, so that its water gets absorbed well because the meat already contains ninety percent of water and then use it as needed.

During these days, keep children from opening the refrigerator frequently, as the temperature of frozen meat tends to rise, which is not good. Using cold drinks with meat can lead to acidity, which fills the bones. Pin is the reason.

Sacrifice Eid and use vegetables with meat on occasion and avoid spicy spices. Medical experts say that green tea must be consumed after eating meat, so that the food is digested because green tea plays an important role in the digestion of food. Diabetes and heart patients should never consume liver, kidney and marrow, as they contain more cholesterol than normal meat.

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Chicken feed - Express Urdu

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